Chapter 23

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Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!

"Ah shut up already!" Knox woke up to the aggressive ringing of the door bell. In his last sleepy moments he looked over to his right. Expecting all of his boyfriends to be still sleeping with Quill in the middle.

But there was no Quill. Brooks and Rowan were curled up together in the spot Quill would be. Tons of his old blankets wrapped around their bed but they were all losing his scent.

Knox growled then got out of bed. He didn't even try to get dressed before he went down stairs.

They were the only ones in the Able residence because Quill's family were at a meeting trying to find Quill. They didn't let them come since they stayed up the past couple of nights searching for him.

Apparently they needed "rest". Whatever that was, they wouldn't truly rest till they had Quill back into their arms.

Knox grabbed one of the handguns next to the door and opened the door with a growl. He looked pretty funny when he opened the door trying to look very threatening in his polka dot boxers that Quill got him and a gun.

"What do you w-" His sentence was cut off as he saw who exactly was ringing their doorbell. Then he tried to slam it with all his might. But Buffy was faster and apparently a lot stronger.

He put his arm in the way of the door's movement, stopping it from slamming.

"Guys!! Come down here now!!!!!" Knox yelled. Buffy just rolled his eyes as he waited.

"What's going on-'' Brooks asked as he was by Knox's side in a matter of seconds. Also in just boxers. It didn't take long till Rowan was down as well in the same attire.

"Lacey? What are you doing here?" Rowan asked confused and on edge. He took one of the other guns from the side table and pointed it at him with Knox.

"You have the nerve to show up here after you kidnapped Quill?!" Brooks asked with a growl.

He made a move to get closer to Lacey ie Buffy, but Rowan stopped him with his hand. "Don't, he's a lot stronger than you think."

Brooks snarled but stayed put. Buffy rolled his eyes and put up his hands to show that he was not armed, not that he really would need to be to kill them. But he didn't feel like getting shot and dead anytime soon.

"So why are you here? Did you bring anyone else with you?" The three looked up at Buffy, trying to figure out why he was here in the first place.

Buffy gave them a grunt then slowly reached into the pocket of his jeans. Knox, Rowan, and Brooks held their breaths, ready to shoot and ask questions later till he pulled out a folded bright pink piece of paper.

Now they really just wanted to ask questions.

Buffy hands the note to Rowan, not paying any mind to the werewolf and vampire trying to intimidate him. Rowan carefully grabs it, acting like it's a bomb about to explode.

Buffy rolls his eyes again, giving an impatient grunt. Rowan gives his gun to Brooks then opens the note.

As soon as he read to note, he almost dropped it. Having to hold it tighter to not let it fall.

I know where Quill is, I can take you to him. I don't want anything to happen to him. I've been thinking a lot. Since I'm helping you, I'd be committing treason and betraying the Rose hunters. I wanted to ask if I could stay and protect Quill and his babies afterwards?

Please let me help.

Rowan looked up at Buffy, not believing a single word that he wrote. Then he looked back down just to be sure he read it right.

"B-but why?" He asked.

Both Knox and Brooks looked at each other then at Rowan quizzically since they were keeping an eye on Buffy.

"What?" Knox asked, looking back to Buffy.

"He wants to h-help us rescue Quill..." Rowan's voice broke off, tears already filling his eyes.

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