Chapter 24

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"AHhHHH!!!!!" Jason screamed like a little girl. Making a move to shove Noah behind him when he really wanted to pick him up and run but he knew that brute was strong and fast.

"What are you-"

He was cut off by Noah and shoved aside. "Lacey!!!"

Noah ran to Buffy and jumped on him. His small body gets dwarfed by Buffy's huge one.

Buffy hugged him back with what only could be called fatherly love.

"A-Ah What?!" Jason looked flabbergasted. And his name was Lacey?! Who would name a brute like him such a girly name?!

"Oh," Noah blushed. "This is Lacey, he looked over my brother and I when we were kids. He was a guard here."

Jason just stared, making Noah feel like he had to explain more. "He's part bigfoot and hunter. His mom was bigfoot and dad human. That's why he's so big, but he's a real softy!"

"That's one of the guys that kidnapped Quill and I!!!!!!" Jason yelled. His mind was screaming at him to grab Noah and run.

"You went back to your family?" Noah asked sadly, he knew how that side of the Rose hunter family could be.

Jason stepped closer to Noah and Buffy, going on his tippy toes to look him in the eyes. Buffy rolled his eyes once again, he made a slight jerking movement. Causing Jason to fall as he took Noah with him.

Jason and Noah landed on the dirty leaf and twig covered down. Jason catching Noah in his makeshift koala trap.

Buffy narrowed his eyes at that, his fatherly instincts wanting to get Jason far away from his baby boy Noah.

He remembered what Jason was like in the convoy and him being the Boss's son made him want to kill him right then and there.

"It's ok, Lacey." Noah said as he tried to wriggle out of Jason's hold. Finally getting out after about a 2 minute struggle, he got to his feet. Leaving Jason sitting down with a pout like a little kid.

"He's like a puppy, all bark but no bite." Noah snickered.

"Hey!" Jason objected but still didn't get up, he crossed his arms in defiance.

Buffy smirked at this, he realized that he didn't have to worry about Noah. he already had that guy wrapped around his little finger. Noah smiled affectionately at Jason. Buffy guessed that if Noah approved of him, then he could too.

If he did anything though, the wolves would definitely love him.

"Why are you here?" Noah asked him.

Buffy pulled out a note of the similar pink color he gave Quill's boyfriends and handed it to Noah.

We're going to break you guys out, you, Quill, Marry and her kid.

Noah looked at Buffy with a look that said, 'Are you forgetting someone?'

Buffy rolled his eyes and gave him an annoyed grunt that said, 'Ok, I guess the puppy can go too.'

Noah smiled but then thought hard about the consequences of trying to escape.

His brother was a big example of what happens when someone tries to escape from the facility.

If they tried to escape, it would result in all of their deaths.

But he also didn't want Quill and Marry to live their lives like breeding horses. He also didn't want their kids to become hybrid soldiers.

A small part of him never forgot his dream of seeing the outside world. And maybe get to know Jason more on things that a lot of the other workers talked about. Like dates.

He looked back to Jason, still sitting on the damp earth. Pouting because Noah got out of his arms and he couldn't do anything since Buffy was supposedly not a threat.

Then his decision was final. His heart already made the choice for him.

One question went through his head that scared him to death but also made him feel alive.

When did I fall so hard?

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