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Five years later...

A ten year old with long blonde hair, dark skin, and mismatched eyes ran in a field. She giggled as she got chased by three little five year olds in birthday hats.

"Kinley, TL, Willow Jane and Jason! Time for cake!" Quill yelled, using his hands as a little megaphone.

The kids ran to the picnic table that had a giant cake on it. The cake had TL, Willow Jane and Jason's names written in purple, yellow and green frosting.

Marry, Knox, Rowan and Brooks each grabbed a squirming kid while Quill started lighting the cake.

Grandparents, cousins and friends were all there to celebrate the five year olds' sixth birthday. The newly turned six year olds leaned over the picnic table with hands on their hips to help stabilize them.

They took in a huge breath, filling their little lungs and blew out the candles. Jason made a move to dig his little hands into the cake but fortunately Knox held him back.

"Jason!" Quill scolded lovingly, "Wait for a piece before you ruin the cake." He laughed when Jason gave a cute little pout.

Quill cut a big piece for him and his siblings, then started to cut pieces for the rest of the guests.

After they escaped and the funeral, Quill was proposed to by all four of his boyfriends. They all got a wedding ring with two rubies, one sapphire and one emerald embedded in it.

Shortly after that they got married and moved out into the country in Cedar Woods. They moved into a huge five bedroom house with a bathroom attached to each bedroom. Where they raise their three kids, TL, Willow Jane and Jason.

They adopted TL and made her middle name Riley in memory of her mother.

Knox, Brooks, and Rowan decided to take Quill's last name because it got extremely complicated trying to figure everything out and the kids already had his last name.

The reason why there's an extra room painted white with black nature designs on the walls is because Quill is expecting another little addition to their big family. Not yet knowing whether it will be a boy or a girl.

Just happy that they got to live together in their own house, raising their children in a changing world.

~The End~


I can't believe I wrote my first ever book!!!!!! It's 91 pages and I'm freaking out!!!!

I plan on writing a second one, which is Hybrid Children but don't know when. It will follow Quill's children and I'm thinking of introducing Kai too and some others.

I really can't wait to write it but I still need to work on plot stuff. I hope there was more people reading this because i like writing stories and having other people read them and seeing if I can improve at all.

so fingers crossed that more people will read it!! 

I hope you enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!

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