Chapter 26

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~~~~ Smutt Warning ~~~~

Noah woke up to the beeping of his pager. He groggily reaches onto the nightstand and grabs his glasses. He notices one thing automatically, Jason isn't right next to him. When did he leave?

Noah really wanted to spend his free day with Jason but he guesses he'll have to spend it treating some patient. He picked up his pager next and almost dropped it again. He sprang from his bed, grabbing his lab coat and heading out of there.

He ran to the "Mothers Room", the pager said it was an emergency for Riley.

Noah ran past a hallway that had Jason running from the kitchens. He held an arms full of Jello, ice cream and whip cream.

Jason almost froze when he saw Noah run past but then quickly ran again because the head cook didn't stop throwing knives and other sharp objects in his direction.

Noah reached the room in about two minutes record time out of breath. He quickly yanked open the door but was met with a confusing sight.

Riley looked ok, well enough of an ok that she wasn't dying. Also, all three mothers were looking at him with similar smirks.

Just as he was going to ask what was going on, the door slammed and locked behind him. Noah felt a chill run down his spine as he turned around.

Kinley was smiling evilly at him as she blocked his way out. Now Noah was fudged, he would not try to fight her.

He's given her a bath before and has the scars of bite and claw marks to show that he would never bathe her again. Noah turned around again, determining that facing the mothers were a lot better and safer than facing the five year old.

"Why did you guys page me, Riley isn't having the baby?" Noah was confused.

"You're going on a date with Jason." Quill said, like there was no way out of it.

"W-what?!" Noah squeaked, cheeks getting red.

"Jason came to us all nervous and blushing, and asked us how he could ask you and what the date would be. I've never seen him act like that ever with anyone when he was growing up." Marry said with a smile.

"He was never even nervous when we used to date." Quill said. This made Noah's stomach twist with a little jealousy. He knew the real reason as to why they dated but he still couldn't get rid of the little bit of him that wanted to do all the stuff he did with Jason when they dated.

"So you must be a very special person to him." Quill added, "So we decided to plan a date for the two of you."

"Why-why do we have to keep you guys here?! Isn't it Jason and I's business?!" Noah squeaked out yet again.

"Oh, we've been planning this date for a while now." Riley tossed him a small bottle of clear liquid.

"What is thi-" Noah read the label and nearly combusted. "Wh-what- How?!"

It was lube. How did Riley even get this? Why would they even have it here?!


"I have my ways, I've been here long enough that it's pretty easy to pick things off of lab techs." She smirked evilly.

"Why?!" Noah covered his blushing face with both hands. The moms just snickered at his embarrassment.

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