Chapter 8

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A couple weeks have passed and Quill, Brooks, Rowan and Knox have been hanging out during that. They went to parties, did homework at Quill's house, etc. Quill felt like he was falling for them, every one of them. He didn't know how it would work out for him if one of them asked him out. Quill of course turned down everyone who asked him but would not turn down one of them.

He just didn't want to hurt the other's feelings. They were spending time together at Rowan's house this time. Already done with homework they sat on the couch, letting the tv drone on in the background.

"Quill?" Rowan asked.

"Hmm?" He said sleepily from leaning on Knox's chest.

"Do you remember the first day of school, during lunch?"

"Y-eah." His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat.

"We wanted to ask what happened. You seemed super scared and hurt when Heather brought up dating Brooks." Rowan asked carefully. The three boys watched Quill carefully. Knox wrapped his arms around Quill a little more in a protective way.

"It wasn't just about dating me!" Brooks said offended. "Was it?" He had a hurt look on his face.

"N-no." Quill shot up and reassuringly put a hand on Brooks' thigh. Brooks looked relieved. "I-it's about m-my e-x." He stuttered and Knox wrapped his arms protectively around him once more.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Rowan asked kindly. They thought he wouldn't want to. All the times dating or past relationships got brought up, Quill always paled. They asked Lucy what happened but every time she just said it was something Quill had to tell them. So they were surprised when he finally agreed to talk about it. The thing was that Quill was feeling more comfortable with them, so he felt like he could trust them.

"I h-had a boy-friend at Valorian for three y-years. His name's Jason." Quill took a moment to breathe, to calm the stutter in his voice. "I thought he was a great guy, loved him even. So I ignored the rumors that surfaced when we were dating.

"Everyone kept on saying they saw him cheating on me. Either at parties or really anytime he wasn't with me. I thought our relationship was exclusive but I guess I was wrong. Wouldn't you guys think if you dated someone, your relationship would be exclusive?" He asked them, looking into their eyes. They just nodded.

"Well apparently he didn't, Jason made out, had sex etc. with vampires, werewolves, faeries, even mortals when he was desperate. Practically banged every creature there was. But of course I didn't believe everyone." Quill felt the prickle in his eyes, warning him that floods would come. But he pushed on. "Until one party I went to before moving here. I walked in on him and a faerie, making out half naked. I realised all the rumors were true, well I think I already knew they were true somewhere inside of me." He started to cry and the boys were feeling mixed emotions. Their heart broke seeing that this hurt him so much. Hatred bubbled up inside of them for this Jason dude. Jason dated one of the best guys in the world and treated him like crap.

"I confronted him about it the next day, he denied everything. Said that they kissed him. Saying it wasn't his fault or he was under the influence. Practically any excuse that came to mind. It broke me-" He sniffled, Knox nuzzled his neck comfortingly. "I didn't get out of bed for weeks. It's actually one of the main reasons why we moved here. It still hurts..." He looked all of them in the eyes.

"So do you guys see why I'm scared to get into another relationship, to give someone my heart. To give them the possibility to break it again." They stayed quiet for a while. Letting all what Quill said sink in.

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