Chapter 5

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"Quill! Wake up!" Peter yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Little did he know Quill was already up, taken a shower, and is now trying to figure out the perfect outfit for the first day of school. One of every highschooler's biggest days.

He decided to wear dark blue jeans with a purple t-shirt and a red zip-up sweater. He brushed his hair then messed it up to make it stick up in different directions but in a good way. Then he put on his shoes and bolted down the stairs.

"Don't forget your lunch and breakfast!" Peter threw his lunch box at him and he caught them, then Quill's mom shoved a blood smoothie into his arms with an apple.

"Rowan's outside, he's gonna give you a ride to school and back." She informed.

"But I have my own motorcycle, I can drive myself." Quill said. He wanted to drive himself because he needed to get ready for a new school and people. Also had to think about what happened in the last couple of days. Since the Welcome Home party Brooks and Quill have been texting and hung out for a couple of hours. He also offered to drive him but Quill turned him down. And now his parents were making him go with Rowan, which wasn't bad either. He just wanted to spend some time alone or at least not get bombarded with hot guys at every waking moment.

"Ok, I'll go." Quill said after seeing his mom give him a glare that would stop a pack of mutts.

Quill grabbed his backpack and ran out the door. Rowan was parked outside in his red toyota truck and Quill laughed at how small town it was.

"What are you laughing at?" Rowan asked curiously.

"Just your truck," He quirked up an eyebrow. "It's just so small town-ish." Rowan put his hand on his chest in mock offense. "I like it." Quill had a gleam in his eye as he stared at Rowan. Rowan stared back, getting lost in his brown eyes.

"Ah-hem." A person smacked the side of the truck but the time they both looked around, there was no one around. Just a lingering smell of mutt in the air.

"I guess we need to go." Rowan said and they were off to school. They talked about music, Rowan had a surprisingly huge music collection. Especially for a mortal that has only lived for sixteen years.

"Interesting music selection," Quill mused. "You are a mortal right?"

"Yes," Rowan blushed. "How old are you? If you don't mind me asking."

"One hundred and sixty years old."

"Wow," He gasped.

"You think I'm OLD?!" Quill gasped.

"N-no, I-I."

"It's ok," Quill laughed. "I am old but not that old." He winked at him, loving how he squirmed and blushed. They pulled into the parking lot, there were about fifty kids outside. Trying to make time last before school had to start. And wanting to see the new guy, Cedar Wood doesn't get a lot of new people.

"Is that the new guy?" A group of girls whispered.

"He's hot!" Quill inwardly rolled his eyes.

"Let's just hurry to the office, please." He told Rowan. Rowan nodded and they started their trek through the groups of kids.

"Hey cutie," Brooks said right next to them. He put his arm around his waist and Quill relaxed more. He had Rowan and Brooks by his side. He saw that Heather, Jane and Zoe were walking with them, with Kiley and Olive with their boyfriends' arm wrapped around them.

So many people stared and whispered that it reminded Quill of the scene in Twilight when they walked into the doors of the school and everybody was staring. This brought a smile to his lips. Stupid vampire movie series. They walked by a group of mutts, Knox and his cousin and mutt friends staring and growling at us. Quill knew that the scent he smelled at his house was Knox's, just didn't know why.

When they walked into the school there were even more students staring at them. Quill siddled a little closer to Brooks, feeling uncomfortable with everyone's eyes on him. He was used to people's eyes on him at his old school, his family weren't the richest one in Seattle but he dated one of the richest kids but something was different about these people staring at him.

They got to the office where this old lady with glasses sat reading a novel that was clearly not appropriate for school. The saddest thing was that Quill had read that one before too.

"Mrs. Linwood," Said Rowan politely.

Mrs. Linwood didn't even look up from her book before saying, "What do you want?" in a shrill old woman voice.

"Can we get a schedule for a Quill Able?"

"Hold your horses," She went to the computer, a little shake in her bones. "Kids these days, always demanding things." She mumbled under her breath.

Quill, Rowan and Brooks looked at each other with an 'ok' look. Quill wanted to laugh because Brooks and him were probably a lot older than she was.

"This has your schedule and locker with it's combination to open it." She said and gave it to Quill. "Vampires, you think you're so high and mighty." This caught Quill by surprise, mortals weren't supposed to know about the creature world.

"She's my grandma." Rowan said embarrassed.

"The best fudging grandma you'll ever have, Rowy."

"Rowy?" Quill teased.

"Let's just go," Rowan grumbled, grabbing Quill's hand and dragging him out of there to go find his locker. Making Brooks grab his other hand to get dragged along with them. Quill's locker number was 6969, kind of ironic isn't it?

"Thank you guys but I think I'm good here." Quill said, working the combo on his locker. Having a little trouble but there was someone to his right that helped him. A girl and she wasn't ogling him at all. "See, I'm good here. This lovely lady helped me." Quill gave them his most encouraging smile.

"Lucy, take care of him." They both said and Quill rolled his eyes.

"Looks like your boyfriends really care about you." She teased, grabbing a Physics book out of her locker.

"Ther-they're not my-my boyfriends!" Quill stuttered, a bright red blush creeping up his cheeks.

"Uh-huh," Lucy smirked. "They definitely have a crush on you."

"I see you guys together, all four of you. In love but troubles will come to test you guys." Lucy said in a voice that wasn't exactly hers, she looked like she was somewhere else.

"You're a Seer," Quill said astonished. "I've never met one before. You guys are so rare."

"Yeah I know, all of the women in my family are Seers."

"Woah, so cool." Then he remembered what she said, or what he thought she said. "And what did you say? You know before?"

"What? I say things all the time." Lucy babbled.


"What's your schedule?" She quickly changed the subject.

"Here," Quill gave her his schedule.

"Woah, 1st CHS Physics, 2nd CHS English, 3rd Chamber Choir, 4th CHS History, 5th CHS Calculus, 6th CHS Spanish, 7th Free Period." Lucy's eyes widened with every class. "Which school did you go to in Seattle?"

"How did you know I'm from-"

"Seer-" She laughed, "No, it's just a small town."

"Valorian High Prep School."

"Makes sense." She said. "We have three classes together! CHS Physics, Chamber Choir, and CHS Spanish!"

"Ohhh nice! You're probably the only girl that doesn't look at me like I'm a snack." Quill was honestly happy about that.

"Yeah, I can't really have a significant other till I'm twenty-five. And I don't get to choose them." She rolled her eyes as they walked to class. "So I don't even try and I can't really have feelings for anyone."

"Fun," Quill said sarcastically.

"You know it."

Hybrid love (bxbxbxb)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora