Chapter 25

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Several weeks passed since their visit with Buffy. They already told Quill and Marry that there was a plan to break them out and that they were told that they would know when it happens.

Definitely informative.

It at least seemed to perk both of them up so that was a plus.

Quill's pregnancy was going along swell, although the babies were developing a lot quicker than normal but the doctors scratched that up to one of the sires being a werewolf.

It was still really crazy for Jason to think of where in time they're at when only about a year ago. Quill and him were dating and in school. Now they were living in a facility for mothers to have their hybrid children then the children sent away to become soldiers.

But Jason wouldn't change it for the world, well at least the part of being kept in a facility.

He would never regret meeting Noah.

Jason woke up groggily, Noah had his arms wrapped around his chest while his head rested on Jason's arm. He smiled at Noah sleeping peacefully.

He would then have to start the challenge of having to wriggle from someone's arms while they slept. There was a point where he thought Noah was waking up but he just snuggled into the pillow that replaced his arm.

For a couple of minutes, Jason just stood there watching Noah sleep. Just soaking up the super cute man in front of him.

He leaned down and gave Noah a kiss on his forehead. He was a little reluctant to leave because he wouldn't be there when Noah wakes up. But he needed to do this.

Jason got dressed in his normal get up of jeans and a t-shirt with his lab coat over it and headed out the door.

He headed towards the 'Mothers Room', an extremely better name than 'Communication Room Between Subjects'. Yeah, very original.

The reason why Jason needed to go over there is because he needed to ask the mothers something, ie Quill, Marry and Riley.

He wanted to ask them what to do. Jason felt weird, he never felt this way with Quill or anyone else. He was so nervous and it was just a simple question!

When he opened said door to the room, Kinley ran screeching to him in all of her five year old glory. Already trying to climb up him and easily accomplishing it.

"Woah!!" Jason held her tight, twirling around in a circle as she giggled. "Good morning Kinley." He said with a loving smile.

"Good Mworning!"

"Jason, what are you doing here?" Quill asked, his hands resting on his belly now just out of habit. He could feel little kicks here and there. He had that healthy pregnant glow that almost every mother had.

Riley on the other hand looked worse. She was thinner than the last time Jason saw her and he tried to make sure he did lots of check ups. They also started an IV drip and started getting her to eat more but that still looked like it was going to her baby.

She looked extremely pale with three fluffy blankets wrapped around her. Jason had a strong feeling that she wouldn't survive having the baby. She would be a very healthy baby girl once she came out.

That was mainly because she was feeding off of Riley and her mom's body couldn't keep up. Why would they try this?

"I wanted to ask you guys something but it looks like you guys were already talking about something when I interrupted. So you guys can keep on talking." Jason didn't want to interrupt, Noah would probably reject him anyways.

He walked over to one of the empty chairs next to Marry and sat with Kinley on his lap.

"We were just talking about baby names, I'm thinking Tatum Luna. I can just tell she's going to look beautiful." Riley said sighing, every day she dreamed what her little Tatum Luna would look like when she was born and growing up.

"And I was thinking of Willow Jane for the girl. Don't know what the boy would be named, will probably come to me." Quill said. He knew that Marry and Knox would definitely like the name. Especially since Willow was Kinley's father and the older brother of Knox.

"Well I think those are lovely names." Jason said, "I can't wait to meet them! Then I could be their Uncle Jason and... tickle them!!!!!" Jason yelled, going in to tickle Kinley's sides.

Causing the five year old burst into a giggling and squirming mess. But she still didn't move from his lap.

Marry smiled at the scene in front of her, Jason was definitely changing for the better. Guess that happens when people get kidnapped and meet the person they love.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Quill asked, wanting to get to the point of why he was here. It's not because he didn't want Jason there, he just really wanted to know why Jason looked so nervous when he's usually super confident in everything he does.

"Uh-um..." Jason's face was bright red. "How do I ask Noah on a date and how would I do said date when we're stuck in a facility?"

Jason squeezed his eyes shut for a second then opened them again. Preparing himself for them to laugh at him and say that it was a stupid idea.

He wasn't preparing for them to be staring at him like a group of crazy excited pregnant women at a sale for baby clothes.

Seriously, their evil mischievous smirks were freaking him out!

"I win the bet!" Quill exclaimed, jumping up carefully. "I told you guys!"

He pointed to both Marry and Riley, trying to do the pregnant version of the shopping cart dance.

"What?!" Jason squeaked. Trying to will away the reddening blush on his face.

"We were wondering when you would come and ask us for help." Marry laughed.

"Yeah, and we practically planned your date for you guys." Riley added, "We probably would have locked you guys in a room if you hadn't come sooner."

"Uh-oh..." What had Jason gotten himself into?

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