Chapter 18

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After a three hour drive, the transport vehicle containing Quill and Jason stopped outside of Olympia, Washington to refuel. Ever since Quill got pregnant, he's been the lightest sleeper. He felt the vibrations of the truck quiet down and the smell of gasoline woke him up.

Quill wasn't feeling well, he could feel the morning sickness start to set in even though they left mid day. So the sun was probably setting. He looked down at Jason, he had his head on his chest.

Quill's chest has been hurting for the past couple of days lately. They also started to swell, probably with breast milk. He lightly lifted Jason's head off of him and laid it down a section of the blanket he bundled up for a make-shift pillow.

He brought his hands up to his mouth, trying to fight off the nausea that made him want to hurl his insides out. Buffy woke up to the slight motion in the car from Quill's stumbling. Trying to get to fresh air so he didn't throw up in the convoy.

Quill only got a couple feet before dropping to his knees and barfing. "I-" Strong arm wrapped around him, gently lifting him up so he didn't kneel in his own barf. "Need blood..." He dry heaved, nothing left to throw up.


"Get your hands off him!" Jason yelled, trying to get up but his legs fell asleep an hour into the trip. Making him fall on his face, but that still didn't stop him from crawling over to them and trying to punch Buffy's legs.

A growl sounded from Buffy, not like a wolf's growl but a human one. "I'm fine, J-ason." Another gag sounded from him. "Just need blood." Then he slumped from exhaustion.

"Someone needs to get him blood!" The doors opened from the outside and a gas station was revealed. Patchy and Scrawny held arms full of gas station food and drink.

"We're not going to let him drink from us, he can just eat this and he'll be fine." Scrawny said, taking a bite out of a corn dog.

"You assholes! He's a vampire! A pregnant one and can only drink from humans!" Well he could drink from animals but he needed human blood so that it would be more beneficial to the twins. Jason just hoped they wouldn't fight him on it.

"Well-" Patchy was cut off by a grunt from Buffy. The three of them stared at Buffy as he sat down on the floor. Cradling Quill and bringing him up closer to his neck. He lightly shook Quill awake.

Making sure to get his attention, he grunted again and tapped his neck then Quill's mouth. Quill stared at him, sleepy eyed but kinda getting the point. He sniffed Buffy's neck, type O. His favorite blood type and looked at Buffy again. Silently asking permission and Buffy just grunted in affirmation.

Quill slowly drew out his fangs and leaned closer to his neck. Vampires could make drinking blood pleasurable or hurt. Depending if they used their venom. Quill didn't want to hurt him. Buffy has been nice to him since the very beginning of meeting him.

The moment Quill sunk his fangs into Buffy's neck, Buffy gasped out loud. Delicious blood flooded into Quill's mouth down his throat. Patchy and Scrawny walked forward, sort of entranced by what was happening but also terrified for their cousin.

"Hmmmm." Buffy moaned out, Quill stopped at two pints. Once he pulled off of Buffy, he licked the holes and they closed up instantly. No scar, just pale skin.

"Thank you, Buffy." Quill purred, nuzzling Buffy. "That should be enough to sate me for the rest of the trip, I think."

"You're welcome." Buffy breathed out, still feeling the effects of the venom. Then everyone stared at Buffy. He actually talked, that was how much the venom affected him.

"If that made him talk, you can take blood from me." Scrawny said, getting closer.

"I'm sorry but I don't take blood from people like you." Quill spat. He snuggled more into Buffy, not exactly for comfort. He still kidnapped him but he really didn't like Scrawny and wouldn't like his blood.

"But I like drinking from people like you." Jason spoke up. Scrawny eyed him but dismissed the mischievous look in his eye and got closer. Were these people really that stupid? Jason thought.

"You better not try any funny business." He lowered himself, getting closer to Jason and bearing his neck. Unlike Quill, Jason moved quickly and brought Scrawny flush against him. He sunk his teeth into his neck, but he didn't make it pleasurable like Quill. He didn't even let a drop of his venom into his bloodstream.

"Ow! Mother fucker!" Scrawny screamed, pulling away quickly. Causing more damage to his neck, but Jason let him pull away. He smirked, wiping off the blood that dribbled out the corner of his mouth with his hand.

Scrawny pulled back his arm and punched him in the face. Jason didn't do anything though except for smirk. He took the beating because he knew that it would not be smart to try and run away.

"Stop it!" Quill screeched, trying to get to Scrawny to pull him off but Buffy beat him to it. He didn't want Quill to get hurt so he pulled him off and created a wall between him and Jason. Putting his hands up to rebuff Scrawny's advances.

"That bitch!"

"You should know that we can make it pleasurable or hurt like Hell." Jason spat out a little blood onto the floor at his feet.

"Oh you little-" Scrawny was cut off by a red headed woman that looked to be in her mid thirties. Quill recognised her from somewhere and guessed that she was also one of Rowan's cousins or an aunt.

"Mr. Morro wants them at the facility asap so no dilly-dallying." She seemed to hold authority with the way she talked and stood. Like she was the leader of this group, she probably was.

"Yes Boss!" Scrawny squealed, forgetting about his quarrel with Jason. They hurried to the bathroom and when they got back. They closed up the semi, leaving them in dim lighting.

"And someone, clean up the barf, we don't want him to get sick." Her voice came through a radio on Patchy's belt. They both scurried to get a mop and bucket from somewhere in the semi but Buffy just stayed there. Watching them with a smirk as they freaked out.

"Are you ok Jason?" Quill worried as he looked over his face. He had a black eye and several bruises along his jaw line and cheek. He looked like pure crap.

"Yeah, once I get some blood I'll be as good as new." Jason winced as he tried to smile.

"It's going to be ok," Quill tried to reassure him. "I hope." 

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