05|Memory Triggering

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After that night, last night at the club i couldn't sleep. Scott explained to me that Lucas, and Tracy are Chimera's. And the men in masks are called Dread Doctors. I am walking through the halls with Scott and Theo... Yes Theo Raeken.

"So basically we're looking for abnormal people?" Theo questions looking at my brother.

"Anyone acting a little off or a little weird." Scott says looking at both Me and Theo.

"Isn't everyone a little weird in highschool?" I say looking at Scott.

"Yea, good point." Scott says as he walks down the stairs.

"You remember Tracy went in a killing spree after reading that?" Theo says pointing at The Dread Doctor book Scott was holding in his right hand.

"You think it's a bad idea?" Scott said looking nervously.

"I think Malia, almost getting run down by a car could've been bad. That's why you haven't finished it right?" Theo says

Theo offered Malia yesterday to take her home, She drove and you know how that went a memory trigged her. And she almost got crashed by a car.

"We're going to." Scott says looking at me

"Me? Im not reading that Demons book." I say pointing at the book Scott was holding.


I was somehow convinced to read that stupid Dread Doctor book. Here i am in my house with Scott, Malia, Kira, Lydia, Stiles, and Theo.

We are all looking at the pile of Dread Doctor books on the counter.

"My moms book club usually has more wine." Lydia says while keeping her eyes on the counter.

"Well, they also probably didn't read books that causes violent hallucinations." Stiles said sarcastically looking at Lydia.

"That's why Malia is here." Scott says looking over at Malia.

"So none of us go running into traffic?" Kira question Scott.

Scott nods his head.

"Or worse." Scott says

I am the first one to grab a book and i make my way to the living room to sit on the couch. Then everyone else does the same, except for Malia and Stiles which they decide to read in the Kitchen.

Thirteen minutes in and i'm exhausted. I look up and everyone else is reading except, Theo who's eyes are on me. I look away avoiding eye contact with Theo.

"Anyone feel anything yet?" My brother says looking up.

"Tired." I say looking at Scott

"Same." Kira says with the same face as mine.

"Hungry." Lydia says rolling her eyes.

"I think he meant about the book." Theo says looking over at me.

Another Ten minute go by and i get really tired, i lay the book down and lay my head farther into the couch slowly shutting my eyes.

"Your not giving up are you?" Scott questions me looking at me.

"Just resting my eyes." I reply

As I close my eyes i go into a deep sleep.. really deep.

Memory triggering:

I am 8 years old, My brother , Scott is 10
My dad came home early from work and he decided to play in the front yard with me and Scott and our dog, Lucy.

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