06|Someones Experiment

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Scott is at the Animal Clinic with Stiles and Theo watching Josh's Dead Body. I am home waiting for my brother to come home, i'm in the living room watching Netflix because honestly what can i do?

I suddenly hear a knock on my door , i got up hoping it was Scott, but to my eyes, it wasn't Scott it was, Liam, and Hayden. Liam barges into my house and goes upstairs to Scott's room with Hayden following him like a lost puppy.

I heard a loud bang, like a door shutting upstairs in my brothers room, i go to my brothers room and see Liam with his face in his hands on my brothers bed, he was worried, i'm guessing Hayden was the one that closed herself in my brother bathroom.

I sat gently on my brothers bed next to Liam. I know he wasn't gonna talk to me so i decided to talk to him instead to see if i would get a response.

"You can't ignore me forever, you know, what's wrong?" I questioned Liam.

"Hayden's a Chimera. I already called Scott he's on his way. You can go if you want." Liam responded Quickly.

"Can you at-least tell me what i did wrong? Why are you ignoring me?" I question him again.

"You kissed Brett. Brett the guy that pisses me off but unfortunately i have to work with him because of the supernatural." Liam says finally looking at me in the eyes.

"It was a club Liam, there's nothing serious going between Brett and I." I say defending myself but staying calm.

"I don't care." Liam responded which obviously made me go a little mad.

"I'm not gonna sit here putting up with your shit, somethings pissing you off, but go off, i'm not just gonna sit here and pretend my Best friend doesn't hate me for the absolute nothing." I say looking at Liam straight in the eyes.

"If i was with Hayden how would you react?" Liam blurts out, out of no where.

"What do you mean?" I question Liam

"If i were to tell you that i liked Hayden, what would you say?" Liam asks me looking straight at me

"As long as your happy, i'm happy." I answer

"Would you have any problems with me and her together?" Liam says making it seem like he's into me about something but i can't figure it out.

"Yes, She and I don't really get along, which would mean i won't be able to see you anymore." I say

"That would mean i'm picking her over you.." Liam says looking down at the floor when i finally get it.

"You like her don't you?" i say looking down at the floor just like Liam.

Liam nods his head, which broke my heart. I knew that he was choosing Hayden over Me...

I felt my eyes begin to form water, i held my tears as i saw my Brother and Stiles barge into the room and they start knocking at the bathroom door where Hayden was at.

I quickly got up and went over to Scott.

"If you need me , i'll be in my room." I say looking at him.

Scott looks me in the eyes, i'm guessing he saw my eyes beginning to water again, then his faces became worried as he looked at me then he turned to look at Liam furiously.

"Hey it's ok," I say turning to look back at my brother.

"I'll come talk to you in a bit." Scott says

"Ok." I say as i walk out of the room and lock myself in my room.

It's been about and hour and i hear a knock on my bedroom door.

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