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I had fallen asleep after Liam started rubbing on my back trying to calm me down. It affected him as much as It affected me. I had slept for only three hours. I was woken up by Scott coming into Liam's room. I ignored it and Liam put the covers over the both of us.

"Daisy, Liam." Scott said softly.

"No, i'm...I'm sick." Liam said as he started fake coughing.

"You're not sick." Scott said.

"Yeah, Im like deathly ill. It's serious. I think...I think it's the flu." Liam said.

"You dumbass, it's not flu season." My voice was raspy and low from all the crying last night.

"Uh, then I probably have Pneumonia." Liam said as he faked coughed again.

"You're a werewolf. You can't get Pneumonia. But you know what you can get, is in trouble for being late to school. So come on, let's go." Scott said as he pulled the covers off of Liam and I.

I groaned as I searched for a blanket that was next to me, raping myself in it.

"I don't think I should go to school. Or outside. Or anywhere. Ever again." Liam said as he put the covers back up. He was pretty pissed at himself for not controlling himself last night. A lot of people saw him and were afraid of him.

"It doesn't matter what you think, okay? Because you gotta go. Now all you do is pretend like nothing happened." Scott said.

"Pretend? I'm just supposed to pretend?" Liam said as he sat up removing the cover form his face.

"Think of it like when Superman gets caught with his glasses off. You know, he doesn't give up." Scott said as I slowly sat up and rested my head on Liam's bed frame. "He puts them back on and says 'I'm still Clark Kent.'"

"You want us to wear glasses?" I spoke up and Scott looked at me like if I was slow.

"No! I want you to go to School, Okay?" Scott said as he grabbed both Liam and I from the bed dragging us to the floor. "And be Liam Dunbar, And Daisy McCall. Just like Superman has to be Clark Kent. Like Spider-man, and Captain America..."

"But Captain America is just Steve Rogers. He doesn't have to pretend everyone already loves him. Unlike us, who everyone hates. They hate us for trying to save their lives." I say as I look at the ground letting out a small sigh I was holding.

"You're right." Scott said as he knelled to the ground. "We are trying to save lives. Which is why both of you are gonna get up and go to school and pretend like nothing happened. Because if you don't, more people could die." Scott said as he looked between Liam and I.

"Because of me." Liam said his head faced down.

He thought it was his fault that Brett and Lori died. It wasn't his fault, or anyone's. They were murdered. Seeing Liam feeling guilty breaks my heart, he knows he didn't kill them, he just wanted to save them.

"I didn't really know Brett or Lori. Well, not like you guys did. But I know you two." Scott said as he looked at both Liam and I. Scott got up and grabbed Liam's and I's backpack. "And if you're afraid of seeing more of your friends die, you guys will go."


Liam and I walked into school and so far, it was okay. Mason came up to us with the small smile that he always has. I smiled back, kindly.

"Okay, not as bad so far. This might be easier than we thought." Mason said as we walked towards his locker, which was still a bit away.

"Maybe." Liam said.

Forbidden Love || Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now