33|Brett and Lori

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I was currently sleeping until I heard the loud ring from my phone. I groaned as I shifted to the side of my bed and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I picked up not knowing who it was.

"Hello?" I said in a low voice.

"Daisy, get up, come to the woods, now." Scott said urgently.

"What's going on?" I asked now fully awake.

"Bretts missing." Scott said and that's the only thing I needed to hear before getting up.

"Okay, i'll be there in a sec." I said as I hung up.

I got in some jeans and left my pj's shirt on, I rushed towards the woods until I finally saw, Liam, Malia, Lori and Scott.

"Here." Liam said as he found a arrow that's stuck on the tree. He pointed at the ground and saw Brett's phone.

Lori got down and picked up the phone.

"I think he set a trap." Liam said.

"He's fighting back." Scott said.

"And now we know he's alive." Malia said as she un crossed her arms from her chest.

Lori walked over to the tree and pulled out the arrow, it had blood.

"But he's still hurt. We need to find him, he needs to know we're here." Lori said as she touched the blood from the arrow.

"You want the hunter to know where here too?" Malia said .

"He's new, we can take him." I said earning a glare from Scott.

"What if Brett howls back? He'll lead the hunters right to him." Malia said.

"No, we could find him first. There's no human that can track sounds faster than we can. And we've got the advantage, we've done this before. We know what we're doing, guys." Scott said as he nodded.

Lori was also holding Brett's Lacrosse stick that was found with Brett's blood. Liam took it from her hands and eyed it.

"How come I can't catch his scent?" I ask.

"He's masking it." Lori said.

"Can someone tell him not to?" Malia asked.

"He went this way." Liam said following the trail of blood that soon ended.

"The trail is gone." Malia said.

"Uh, maybe he just stopped bleeding." Scott said as he knelled into the ground.

"God, I think we should spit up." I spoke up. "Liam, Lori and I got this way, You guys go that way."

"Or maybe we go in four directions?" Lori suggested.

"We should stick together." Malia said .

"We have the advantage, it's four against one." Liam said.

"Not if we split up." Malia spit out. She was still kinda upset she didn't go to Paris.

"I've been doing this the past three months without your help. I think I can make a decision." Liam said as he looked straight at Malia.

"Well, if you're deciding to do something stupid and die, then go ahead." Malia said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Malia, it's just one hunter, one amateur who doesn't know what they're doing." I said as I looked at Malia her look could definitely kill.

"Scott?" Malia called Scott to defend.

Scott looked at the ground and there was like a print. He moved some of the dirt and there was a shoe mark.

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