Green with Envy, Red with Furry

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Robert let out a sigh as he got ready for dinner. His valet Jimmy Gordon, or as Robert liked to call him, Gordon, was helping him get ready for dinner. It would be just his family tonight for dinner so Robert did not have to worry about looking extra good to I press any ladies. "Sir," Gordon asked patently, "would you like to wear the gold cuffs with the Grantham crest, or the gold cuffs with the green in the center?"

"The Gold cuffs with the Grantham cuffs." Robert answered, "Please."

"Of corse Sir." Gordon said with a smile. Then he changed the subject, "So, um, Sir, how was the tea with the Levisons?"

"Oh. It was very nice. Lets just put it that way." Robert answered. He didn't really want to talk about the tea at the very moment. In fact, Robert didn't even want to talk at all. He was too tiered and worn out form what the day had brought.

"All right your sir, you are all ready to go down for dinner." Gordon finally said.

"Thank you Gordon." Robert said politely. As he opened his bedroom door and went down stairs to have dinner with his family.

* ~~~~~~~~~ *

The next day Robert woke up and did is same old morning routine. He woke up, rang for his valet to come and get him dressed for the day, then, once he was dressed, he went downstairs to go eat breakfast with his sister and father. (His mother was absent because married woman got the Privilege of eating in bed.). After breakfast, Robert would go into the library, read a few books, and write a few letters to his close friends. But not today. After breakfast, Robert decided he would go into the village and look around. After all, he was going to be the next Earl of Grantham, so, he needed to see how everything was running. Robert walked around the village looking at all the small shops. Robert went into a few tea shops, art shops, and tailor shops to check on how things were going. Everyone was so kind to him and that made Robert feel very confident that he was going to be a very, very good Earl. As Robert walked down the road he saw the most particular thing. It was in one of the restaurants where you could have brunch at.

"What on Earth?" Robert muttered to himself. He wasn't sure if he was dreaming or Hallucinating but he just couldn't believe what he was seeing. Robert sighed and went into the brunch place. The two story building was as busy as usual. It's high white ceilings glimmered with the sparkling crystal Chandeliers. The fragrant smell of fresh fruits and Vegetables filled the air, along with pastries and meat. After Robert soaked in everything he went directly to the target. It was two people sitting together by them selves. Both of them laughing and talking. They looked like they were in a deep conversation. Robert felt guilt that he was about to interrupt their conversation, but he felt he had to.

As Robert made his way closer to the table, he noticed it was Cora, with another man. Yes CORA with another man! Robert couldn't believe that HIS girlfriend and hopefully future wife was with another man. "Excuse me sir, but what do you think you are doing with MY girl?" Robert roared Witch made people turn around in their seats to see what the big deal was.

"Pardon me Sir, but Miss Cora and I were enjoying a little outing together." The man said calmly trying not to blow with anger.

Robert turned to Cora and noticed her cheeks turning red with embarrassment. "Is this true Cora?" Robert gently asked. His voice hinted a tone of sadness in it. Robert was just so upset that Cora was with another man.

Cora shook her head. "You see, Sir Robert." Cora started. "This is Sir Connor Watson. We met at the Season and we just ran into each other this morning. He asked if I would like something to eat and I said yes. Okay?" Cora asked letting out a very dramatic sigh of annoyance.

Robert turned around to Sir Connor Watson and then questioned. "Really. Is that what happened?"

"Yes Sir Robert. That is what really happened." Sir Connor said putting up his hands like an innocent person would do.

Robert let out a Harvey sigh and then said to both Cora and Sir Connor, "I do apologize." Robert apologized. "I just didn't know." Robert turned around to exit but then Cora called him back.

"Sir Robert," Cora started, "am I really your girl?" Cora smiled a shy smile that Robert just couldn't say no to.

"Of corse you are Miss Cora. And that is why I freaked out at the sight of you and a mother man. I do apologize Miss Cora." Robert answered partly lying and partly telling the truth.

"Well, that is quite alright Sir Robert." Sir Connor interrupted. "I would have done the same thing if I saw the girl I loved with another man."

"Yes, right, of corse. I do hope you can forgive me." Robert apologized again. He turned around and walked out of the brunch place. And this time no one called him back to ask him anything. Although Robert was trying not to show it, he was deep down green with envy that Cora was having such a lovely time with Sir Connor and not him. Robert was also red with furry that Cora had betrayed Robert like that. He was absolutely ferrous that Cora had agreed to go out with Sir Connor.

"He's not even that good looking." Robert muttered as he walked outside referring to Sir Connor's curly ish brown hair and light green eyes. (Even though many girls would disagree with this statement of Roberts.)

"Yes." Robert said to him self. "I am Definitely green with envy and red with furry at Sir Connor and Miss Cora." And with that Robert went back to Downton to take a break form the real world problems and relax.

A/N thank you so much @CandieRocks for giving me this amazing idea for this chapter when I Was going through major writers block! Means so much!! Also everybody who has an Instagram, please follow my account witch is @BellaAnn_22 (my profile is private but who cares :P) thanks for reading my story!! :)

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