A Brother's Advice

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"Oh God." Cora moaned while walking up the stairs to her room in the hotel. "Robert is probably going to hate me for the rest of my days. Why did I even agree to go out with Sir Connor in the first place?" When Cora got to her bedroom she sat down at the small desk that was placed in the room and drummed her hand on the desk. For some crazy reason, this always helped Cora think when she needed to.

"Why didn't I think about this earlier?" Cora exclaimed. "I'll wright to Harold and ask him what he would do." Harold was Cora's older brother and always gave Cora excellent advice when she needed it. Yes, it was very strange, however, Cora didn't even care.

"Alright. Lets get started." Cora sighed as she grappled a sheet of paper and the black ball-point pens. And here is what she wrote

Dearest Harold,

I hope things are going well over in America. Things are perfectly well over here in England. Mamma and I are both staying at a hotel called Downton Hotel. It is very nice, but not nearly as Comfortable as home. I hear that Anna is about to have her very first child! Won't that be exciting! You will be a father of a little boy or girl! That will be amazing! Also, how is your yacht Business? I bet it is thriving! Especially since all the girls are coming from America to England. Anyway, the main reason I am writing to you is because, recently, I was seen out with a man then the other man who I like more than then the other man I was seen going out with got angry and now will not talk to me. What should I do now? Thank you!

~Love Cora


"Excuse me Miss Levison. A letter has arrived for you." The young hotel footman said without any enthusiasm whatsoever.

"Thank you." Cora said quickly grabbing the letter.

The footman nodded and then left the room. Cora swiftly turned over the letter and noticed the half cursive, half print writing. She smiled and tore open the letter letting the envelope just fly free. Cora was so happy her brother had responded to her letter. As Cora unfolded the she read what it said on it:

My dear little sister Cora,

I am doing well in America and I am glad you are doing well over in England. Anna recently gave birth to our very first son! It was a boy! He has my eyes and nose, but has Anna's hair and lips. We named him William. He is the sweetest thing in the world and I am such a proud father! Anyway, to answer your question, I think that you should apologize to the man that saw you with other man. If he doesn't except your apology than he doesn't deserve you. Take my advice on this. After all I am your brother!

- Love Harold

Cora gently folded the letter up and placed it on the desk. At that moment so something clicked inside of Cora's head. She knew exactly what she was going to do. She was going to take her brothers advice. Because her brothers advice was the best advice in the world!


Thanks for reading :) I love all you fans and all you readers <3

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