Kiss Me Once. Now Kiss Me Twice

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"Oh, Viscount Downton! I enjoyed dancing with you so much. Thank you!" Cora sighed happily grabbing a flute of champagne with Robert.

"Thank you, Miss Levinson. Because if you, I have been made very happy tonight."

Cora smiled and nodded setting down her glass. Just as she was, Robert's hand brushed next to hers as he sat his down. Cora felt her head get light and a blush threatening to stain her face. For the past hour, she and Robert has been dancing but now, now was different. It was almost like she had been set on fire at Robert touch.

"It's awfully hot in here. Would you mind if I stepped outside for a minute." Cora asked taking out her fan and started walking toward one of the white doors near the back.

"Of course. It is quite hot. I was just about to go outside." Robert nodded walking with Cora.

"I think it's from so much dancing," Cora said as Robert stood closely next to her.

"I agree," Robert replied opening one of the French doors for Cora.

"Do you think our parents will wonder where we are at?" Cora asked looking over her shoulder at the sea of men and women.

"No," Robert answered. "they are probably too busy gossiping to care."

Cora giggled. "I think you are right about that!"

Robert smiled. He loved hearing Cora laugh. The air was perfect. Not too warm. Not too cold. A rare evening for London. When Cora wasn't looking, Robert stared at Cora. Memorizing her every detail. Her dark hair. Her bright, big blue eyes. Her pale skin. Her red lips. Her rosey cheeks. She was the most perfect person Robert had laid eyes on.

"Viscount Downton," Cora asked interrupting the silence. "May I ask you a question?"

Raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Anything, Miss Levinson."

"Well, I know we just met today and all but, might I see you again soon?" Cora said biting her bottom lip.

Robert didn't know how to respond. Of course he wanted to see Cora again. He wanted to be with her. Hold her in his arms and never let her go. There was just one obstacle that had to be removed. His parents. They would be so upset that he had chosen Cora. After all, she was an American.

"Miss Levinson, I only have one answer for you're question."

"What's that?" Cora asked again.

Robert leaned in and closed his eyes slightly. He could smell Cora's perfume as he grew near. His arms found her waist and he squeezed her close to her in his protective hold. His lips then pressed onto hers lightly, and then more passionately. Cora's arms were wrapped around his neck. The two kissed until Robert broke away and started breathing heavily.

"Does that answer your question Miss Levinson?"

Cora smiled and sighed happily. "Yes, Viscount Downton. It does."

"I'm glad," Robert replied looking out at the building lights in the distance.

"Viscount Downton, would you kiss me again. I love how you just kissed me." Cora suddenly said.

Robert couldn't believe what he had just heard. Cora wanted him to kiss her again!  "I would be happy to!" Robert exclaimed leaning in for another kiss. This time, he wasn't nervous like he had been the first time. He cupped Cora's face into his large hands and kissed her with passion. With love.

"Robert!" A female yelled. The voice was very close to the two lovers. Robert and Cora quickly broke away and stood farther apart than they had just a few minutes ago. As they walked toward the voice, the two both relaxed. It was only Rosamund and thankfully not each other's parents.

"Oh my god. Rosamund Crawley! You scared me!" Robert said rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Rosamund apologized although she didn't sound the least bit sorry. "Somebody told me you two were out here and I wanted to tell you something but now I am more interested in hearing what you two were doing." Rosamund smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"We were just getting some air. It is so hot inside with everybody." Cora replied quickly. She glanced over at Robert and looked at Rosamund.

"Yes. I know," Rosamund nodded. Her gold drop earrings moved as she turned her head.

"Miss Levinson, would you mind if I talked to my older sister in private. She is being quite difficult at this moment." Robert asked feeling so bad he had to leave Cora.

Cora smiled understandingly. "Go ahead. I'm getting cold, to be perfectly honest. I'll be inside."

Robert watched Cora go back inside feeling as if he had been slapped in the face. He felt horrible that he had to leave her and take care of business with his demanding, stubborn, older sister.

"What did you see or hear Rosamund?" Robert asked in a low tone.

"Oh well, I heard you and Miss Levinson talk and laugh and then I saw you kiss." Rosamund gave sinister simile.

"Rosamund Crawley! If you tell Mama and Papa about this, they will be furious! They will burry me alive!"

Rosamund laughed. "Robert! Stop being so melodramatic. It doesn't suit you. I was going to tell Mama and Papa but, seeing how nervous you are I won't."

Robert frowned. This was not like his older sister to let him off so eaisly. "Rosamund, what do you want? I know you won't let me off this easily."

"You are smart. I'm going away with Marmaduke on Saturday to London for two days and I need you to make up an excuse for my absence."

"You have to me crazy, Rosamund! Mama and Papa will fly off the wall! You. Alone with Marmaduke?! You must be mad!"

"Robert Patrick Crawley. You sound just like mama! And you have to! Unless of course, you want be to tell our parents about your kiss with Miss Levinson?"

Robert crossed his arms and sighed. "Fine. But this is the only time I will ever do anything like this for you!"

Rosamund smiled widely. "Oh thank you brother! And I know this won't be the only time! I'm ever so happy!" Rosamund kissed her brothers cheek and then quickly walked back inside. Her dark orange dress following behind her. Robert rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. He knew that this would be the only way her would ever get to be with Miss Levinson again.

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