Hard Choices

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It had been 2 days scene Cora's proposal and she couldn't help but think, Robert proposed. Robert proposed. Robert Crawley, future heir and lord to Downton Abbey proposed to ME! Cora couldn't stop thinking about Robert and how he proposed. Every time Cora closed her eyes, all she saw was Robert and her living happily ever after.

"This is perfect!" Cora said to herself as she made her way up the hotel stairs to go and find her mother. Even though Cora had already told her mother the day of, she wanted to tell her again just because.

"Mamma! Mamma!" Cora yelled as she hurried up the stairs. When Cora reached the room, she was out of breath and she couldn't find her mother at all. "Mamma?" Cora asked her self.

Where on Earth cold Mamma be? Cora thought. Cora searched in the bedroom, the bathroom, the closet, the bed, the downstairs lobby, the stairs, EVERYWHERE!!

"Umm, excuse me," asked a little boy with dark brown hair and big brown eyes, "are you looking for something Miss?"

"Yes! What do think I am doing? Playing hide-and-seak with my imaginary friend? I am not 8! I am looking for someone very important and I don't know where they are!" Cora explained sounding very harsh.

"I'm 8." The little boy muttered.

Cora's face went red with embarrassment. "Oh. I'm sorry. I'm just trying to find my mother, but it seems she seems to have disappeared."

"I can help you miss." The little boy declared.

"You can?" Asked Cora.

"Yes. But who are we looking for?"

"Oh, it's my mother. She has reddish orange hair with blue eyes. And she is sort of tall and dresses very fancy."

"Okay! I got it. Have you tried outside yet?"

"No." Cora admitted.

"Well, I think you should check outside. Follow me, I know the best places to look."

"Alright. Whatever you say, umm, what's your name?"

"Oh, my name is Michael. What's yours?" The little boy replied.

"My name is Cora Levison."

The boys eyes grew big and then he asked, "The American Cora Levison?"

"That's me. Why?" Cora felt weird that the boy knew her has 'The American Cora Levison'.

"No reason. Anyway, lets go find your mother Mrs. Martha Levison."

"How do you know my mothers name?" Cora asked as she and Michael went outside.

"Everyone knows your name. And your mothers. You got proposed to Viscount Robert Crawley today. It's in every News Paper. You didn't know that?"

Well no, not really. I don't read News Papers that often."

"Oh, well, you should. You're like a film star around here."

"Thank you."

"Is that your mother over there?" Michael asked.

Cora looked in the direction Michael was pointing to a woman in a black coat with a matching black at with exotic purple bird feathers. The woman had bright red orange curls peaking at the side of her head. "That is my mother." Cora said to Michael.

Cora and Michael both went up to Cora's mother. "Mamma!" Cora exclaimed. "Oh my God. Have have been looking everywhere for you. Where were you?"

"Cora. You can stop worrying. I was in town picking up a few things." Martha explained

"Oh. Sorry." Cora replied feeling stupid.

"Now, I already know why you are here."

"You do?" Cora squeaked.

"Of course I do. You got proposed by Viscount Robert Crawley! I can not believe it! This is so wonderful. It is exactly what your father and I have Ben wishing and prying for!"

Cora was about to ask her mother how she found out about the proposal, but then she remembered what Michael had said to her, it was in the News Paper. Michael!

"Where's Michael?" Cora blurted.

"Who?" Martha asked.

"Oh, you wouldn't know. It was this little boy who helped me find you. I forgot to thank him. I must find him."

"I'm right here Miss." The boy said. Cora looked down to find Michael at her side.

Cora bent down to Michael's level and then said, "Michael, thank you so very much for helping me find my mother. Thank you. I couldn't have done it with out you."

"You're welcome Miss Levison. I enjoyed helping you." Michael smiled and then ran off to go play.

"Sorry about that Mamma. Now, where were we?"

"We were talking about how Robert proposed to you."

"Oh yes. Isn't it wonderful Mamma? I am going to be the Countess of Grantham! I am so happy."

"I am so happy for you too," Martha answered looking at how happy her daughter was. "But, is this really what you want?"

"What do you mean Mamma? You and father wanted me to have a place in society, and now I have one. You should be as happy as I am." Cora said.

"That may be true," Martha explained, "but you may never get to see your friends in America ever again. Is this really what you want to do?"

"Oh," Cora sighed as she stood stupidly. She had not gone through this.

"Now, forget about what I just said and let's go out for lunch and celebrate."

"Alright, Mamma. I love you."

"I love you too Cora." Martha smiled and kissed Cora on the cheek. "There will always be hard choices in life that you will have to choose, but I know that you are smart and you will make the best decision."

"Thank you Mamma." Cora said forcing a smile and then went walking with her mother to celebrate.



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