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Robert was reading in his bedroom when he heard a knock on his door. "Come in." He sighed setting down his book. He had just gotten to the best part of when the detective was finding out who committed the murder and of corse, someone has to interrupt him. Robert suspected it was one of the servants so just continued reading. But Robert was caught by surprise when is sister Rosamund walked in the door. "Rosamund! What ever are you doing here?" Robert asked standing up immediately. Robert had been taught by his father that whenever a lady or any girl entered a room, you needed to stand up.

"Sit back down brother dear." Rosamund ordered sitting down in another one of the chairs in Robert'a room. "It's only me. Your one and only sister. I just need to ask you a few questions."

"You sound like Sherlock Holmes. The detective in my book." Robert laughed. Rosamund laughed to but soon stopped.

"So, how was the date with Coral, or what ever her name is. Isn't she an American. You know how much Mama hates Americans." Rosamund asked changing the subject.

"Cora." Robert corrected. "And yes I had a nice time with Cora. She is fun to talk to."

"But?" Rosamund asked. She knew that there was more to Roberts story and se needed to know what it was.

"Well," Robert shifted and his chair like he was in trial for doing something horrible. "Here's the thing."

"What?!" Rosamund snapped. She couldn't take the suspense

"It's because I don't really love Cora. She is nice but I just need her money to save Downton."

"Oh." Rosamund's voice trailed off. She didn't quite no what to say. "So I was just a lie when you told Mama she is the best girl ever?"

"I guess." Robert said trying to suck in tears. "They were all lies. All of them. Lies."

"Oh my dear little brother. It's okay." Rosamund soothed. "You just are doing it for your duty of Downton. It's almost like your job to save Downton. And you know what I say Robert?" Rosamund asked.

"What?" Asked Robert.

"I say marry that rich American girl Coral."

"Cora." Robert corrected.

"Whatever." Rosamund sighed rolling her eyes. "Also. Tell mama and papa about her and why you need to marry her. They will understand."

"Alright." Robert sighed with al little smile. He was so thankful for Rosamund even though se could be so very annoying she had very good advice.

"Now." Rosamund sighed with a true smile. "I have to get ready for dinner. I'll see you downstairs."

"Okay." Robert answered getting back to reading. "And Rosamund thank you. For everything."

"Your welcome." Rosamund answered. "That's what big sisters are for."


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