The Lightbulb Just Went Off

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Dedicated to @sparklefairy2 because she is such a good writer and I love her story :)

"Miss Levison, I forgive you. It's okay. I'm sorry I over reacted like that."

"Oh no. It's quite alright." Cora replied as she walked down the gravel path to the motor car. Cars where just introduced and Cora loved riding in them!

"Good bye Miss Levison. Till next time." Robert said with a little sigh following.

Cora nodded and then signaled for the car to go. Robert then walked back the gravel path to Downton. He was a little mad about Cora and Sir Connor and all that. But it wasn't really what was bothering him. What was bothering him was this whole marring thing and saving Downton. He felt so pressured that he had to marry a young lady with money. Most of the woman, and if not all of the woman with money were all Americans which his mother strongly disapproved of. And to top that off, the woman who his mother wanted him to marry had no money what so eve because it had been passed down to their brothers or whoever was to inherit. "Why do I have to be the one to deal with all these important, life-saving, hard things?" Robert asked nobody. Tears began to swell up in Robert's eyes. Just then someone tapped Robert's shoulder.

"Because, everybody knew that you could handle all this hard, over-whelming, important things. Now, son, are you okay?" A person replied. And that person could only be Robert's loving father.

"Papa." Robert spun around to see his father with a worried look on his face. "Yes, I'm fine, just feeling a bit frustrated. That's all."

"Oh, My dear boy. Do come inside. It's freezing. Here, here's a handkerchief." Robert's father replied.

"Thank you father." Robert said with a weak smile.



"I see." Robert's father finally answered. "I can't help you on this one unfortunately., but I can just tell you this, I know you will make the right decision. I just know you will."

"Well, thank you for that." Robert said. "I just don't know about who to marry and that is what makes me so very upset."

"Don't worry about who your mother wants you to marry," His father sighed, "because she will soon grow to like whoever it is you end up marring. I know so."

"I hope." Robert muttered under his breath.

"Now Robert, I have to get going. Good luck son."

"Thanks." Robert replied as his father left the library. Just as Robert stood up it was almost like a lightbulb light up. He knew exactly what to do with this whole wife thing. And it had to do with Cora.



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