Living the Dream

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"Father, will you please tell me why we have to do this again?" Asked Robert as he and his father made their way though the large crowd of men and women.

Robert's father sighed, "Son, you already know. Don't you?"

"Yes. I do but for some reason I just can't make myself understand this."

"Oh Robert. I know you are very confused about this whole thing but, it is for your own good."

"Of course it is." Robert sighed, "Of course it is."

When Robert reached his destination, he was greeted by a flock of some eighteen young, rich ladies all wanting to dance with him.

"Oh Viscount Downton! Hello! I'm Lady Julia Ross. How do you do?" One gushed.

"I have heard all about you! I have an open spot on my dance card. Will you dance with me?" Asked another.

"Viscount Downton! I'm Miss Maria Anglo. I'm form America!" Another one said jumping in front of the others. Feathers from her dress falling on the gold and white floor. Robert placed a hand on his temple and took a deep breath.

"Ladies," he said loudly over all the talking and music. "will you please excuse me but I need a drink. I'll be back."

"Alright! I'll be here waiting!" Miss Maria Anglo replied.

"And I hope note to see you," Robert muttered under his breath going to find his best friend Edward.

"Oh Good God. If I have to say hello to one more women I will proably die." Robert sighed sipping his whisky.

"Oh, I know Robert. It's horrible. All thse too overly dressed women from America are giving me a headache."

Robert laughed and shrugged. "Have you see The Miss Cora Levinson at the party?"

Edward nodded. "I have actually danced with her."

Robert raised an eyebrow and nodded. "How was she,"

"Very polite and beautiful actually. She's different from other Americans though. More quiet and honest. I enjoyed myself."

"That's good. I'm sort of eager to dance with her now!" Robert laughed.

"Well, Robert. We are lucky."

"How so?"

"We're living the dream dancing with al these women but never thinking for a moment about marrying them,"

"You're right about that. We are living the dream!" And with that, Robert walked away to go find the Miss Cora Levinson.

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