Not a Daddy's Girl

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A while back when Cora was a little over 7 years old, Cora's perspective totally changed on her father. And stayed that way forever.



"Cora! Harold! Are you ready to go to the beach?" Martha called as her husband Isidore and her stood by the door of their huge American house waiting for their children to come downstairs. They were getting ready for a day at the beach, but talking an very long time.

"COMING MAMMA!!" Cora yelled as one of the maids finished braiding her long curly brown hair. Finally Cora and Harold came downstairs. Cora was dressed in a navy and white polka dot dress with a sun hat covering her face. To finish her outfit Cora had her favourite silver charm bracelet with the letter "C" on it. Her Brother Harold was dressed in a pair of black shorts with a white V-Neck tee shirt. Harold didn't like wearing a hat at all, so he was hat-less for today.

"All ready?" Martha asked her children.

"Yep!" Harold replied.

"How about you Cora?" Her father questioned.

Cora rolled her big blue eyes to the celling looking like the answer would fall to her. "Umm, yes daddy!" Cora exclaimed. Just as everyone was walking outside Cora quickly remembered something.

"Oh my gosh!" Cora shrieked.

"What is dear?" Cora's mom asked with an extremely worried expression on her face.

"I forgot my dolly." Cora whispered.

Cora's mom rolled her eyes smiling. "Alright Cora. Go and get Dolly. We will stay here and wait."

"Thank you Mamma!" Cora smiled as she ran inside the house to go get dolly.

"Miss Cora!" One of the footman named James exclaimed. "Aren't you supposed to be with your family out to the beach?"

Cora nodded and then said, "I forgot my dolly so Mamma said I could come and get it!"

James laughed and smiled and then answered, "Alright then Miss Cora!"

Cora smiled back and then ran to her room. When Cora got to her room, she quickly looked around for her doll. "Where are you dolly?" Cora asked. Cora couldn't believe this, her dolly wasn't in her room!

"Excuse me Miss Cora," One of the maids said, "James told me you were looking for you doll and I found it in your play room. So here you go!" The maid handed Cora her Blonde hair-blue eyed doll dressed in a light green tea dress with one black shoe on and one of the shoes off. The dolls hair was in a messy French braid. (Cora Attempted to do her dolls hair but sadly failed.).

"Oh! Thank you!" Cora thanked the maid and then ran downstairs to her family.

"Now are you already dear?" Martha asked.

"Yes Mamma!" Cora answered. And this time she meant it!



"Cora! Come build a sand castle with me!" Harold shouted as Cora waded in the warm blue water.

Cora turned her head to see Harold trying to make a castle. The castle looked, well, nothing like a castle at all! Cora shook her head in disbelief! She couldn't believe her brother thought that that was a castle! "Of course I'll help you Harold."

"Okay! Thank you Cora!" Harold answered. He was so happy that his sister was going to help him build a Sand Castle with him.

When Cora got over to Harold, she was down to Business. First off, the castle looked Horrendous! "Harold, we need to start over." Cora said.

"Okay, I'll go get some water. You start moulding it how you would like."

Cora nodded as she started moulding the sand. She carefully made the castle how she would like it. Round, cubic, small, and so much detail using the shells and tiny rocks she found. Harold would come back to pour water on the castle and also to to make sure the castle looked perfect.

"Well Cora, I think it's done. What about you. What do you think?"

"I think," Cora started. "It looks perfect. I would even want to live there if I could."

Harold laughed. "Me too Cora."

"Cora! Harold! Come on, we have to get going back home." Isidore called as he and his wife stood by a rather large rock.

"Alright. Coming!" Harold replied as he and Cora picked up their belongings. Cora quickly checked around one more time to make sure everything that was hers was in her arms. Charm bracelet. Check. Hat. Check. Princess book. Check. Cora nodded and then walked back with her mother, father and brother. But it felt like something was missing...



After eating dinner and then playing in her playroom, Cora was ready for bed. Cora had gotten in her white lace nightgown, had one of the maids put her hair in to a low bun, and then had her mother and father tuck her into bed.

"Goodnight my darling." Cora's father said, kissing her on the forehead.

"Goodnight Daddy." Cora smiled. "And Daddy, do you know where dolly is? I haven't seen her since the beach."

"Are you sure you didn't leave her and the beach Cora?"

"My goodness! Father! I did leave her at the beach! We need to go back Immediately! Please father! I know exactly where I left her! Oh! She is probably going to be freezing. And she will be in a foreign place! And oh, she isn't properly dressed at all for bed! Father! We simply must go back and find her!"

"Cora. I know you are going to miss your Dolly, but tomorrow, we can go and get her." Isidore said sternly.

"Oh But daddy!" Cora cried.

"Cora Louise Crawley. I don't want to hear it. You have to go to sleep." Isidore sighed trying to remain calm.

"Oh please!" Cora wailed. She absolutely needed her dolly!

"Cora! No means No! Now go to bed!" Isidore explained with is voice raised.

"But daaadddyyyy!" Cora cried, now sobbing.

"NO!" Isidore yelled. "Now goodnight Cora." He said calmly, but he was still very upset. Why did his daughter have to overreact about losing a Doll! As Isidore closed his daughters door, he instantly felt guilty about yelling at Cora. But then again, Cora would get over it in the morning.

Cora sobbed her self to sleep, wishing her dolly was with her I her warm bed. My father is so rude! Cora thought to her self, and then closed her eyes dreaming about her dolly and how much she disliked her father.



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