Telling the Truth

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After two hours of chatting, eating, and giggling, Cora and Robert soon returned home. "I had such an amazing time with you Sir Robert." Cora said to Robert.

"And so did I." Robert answered with a smile. He honestly did have a good time with Cora. It just wasn't the best day of his life.

"Well, I better get to the hotel before my mother has a heat attack and dies."

Robert chuckled. "I'll see you hopefully soon Miss Cora."

"And you Sir Robert." Cora sighed as she got out of the carriage. Cora had the best time of her life scene se arrived in England. Robert was so kind to her and Cora knew she had just meet the love of her life. She absolutely loved Robert. But the question was, how my did Robert love Cora? Cora went inside the hotel and checked in. She climbed up the stairs praying that her mother was still out getting clothes and meeting people. But unfortunately Cora'a prayer was not granted. She saw her mother looking out the window. Her light blue eyes fixed on the carriage. The same carriage had gotten out of. Cora gulped. She hadn't told her mom that she was going out with Robert and knew that she was in major trouble.

"Cora. Louise. Levison." Martha growled

"Yes mamma?" Cora squeaked.

"Tell me every thing. NOW!" Martha laughed whipping around. "Who is he? Is he nice? Where did you go? I need to know!"

"Calm down first Mamma." Cora ordered catching her breath. She was so thankful her mother didn't hit the roof. "And his name is Sir Robert Crawley. He is nice and we went out to eat and them into a few little shops."

"Oh Cora! I think you have just meet the man of your dreams! Now, I must meet him and his parents."

Cora nodded her head. She didn't really want her mother to meet Robert's parents because, well, she was American and they were British.

Cora's mom came over to Cora and kissed her on the check. "Thank you Cora for telling me the truth and not making some crazy lie up. Thank you dear. Now, I must go write some letters!" Cora's Mamma exclaimed while exiting the room. Cora just stood in the center of room.

"Does Robert love me?" She asked her self out of Curiosity. But there was no one in the room to answer he question. So Cora just stood there and let her tears fall because she was worried that Robert didn't love her.

Okay, I know this chapter is sort of short. But who cares. Comment and Vote please :)

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