Lunch with a Lady

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Robert awoke the next morning with something to look forward to. He had a date with Cora. At first he was having mixed feelings about the date with Cora. He didn't know if his mother or father would approve of Cora. But that was yesterday. And today was a new day. Robert was ready for this date with a beautiful lady. Cora. Robert smiled and then pulled the thing to tel his valet he was ready to get dressed.

"Good morning mama!' Robert exclaimed as he walked down the stairs to greet his mother. "How are you?"

"I'm fine Robert. Why are you so cheerful this morning?" Robert's mother Violet answered with a questioning and worrying look on her face. One that was like There-is-something-you-are-not-telling-me-and-I-need-to-know it. Violet was worried that her son had the happy and cheerful curse put on him I'm the middle of the night.

"Mama. There is something I need to tell you but, first let's eat some breakfast."

"Alright Robert." Violet answered again looking at her son with a half reviled look and a half specious look. Robert and Violet entered the room where they ate breakfast at. It was the breakfast dining room. There they found Robert's older sister Rosamund sitting at the table in her usually spot. Rosamund had the most beautiful fiery red hair. It wasn't like anybody in Roberts family. Rosamund also had grey blue eyes. She was wearing a light blue and white striped top and a dark blue skirt. "Hello Mama. Hello Robert. How are you this morning?" Rosamund asked rather cheerfully.

"Oh? You too?" Violet asked rolling her eyes while fixing her plate to eat. "What is it with you and Robert being so cheerful this morning?"

"Well," Rosamund started with a smile, "I am going to see Marmaduke Painswick. He invited me over for tea. And I don't know about Robert Mama." Marmaduke was Rosamumd's life long love. Or at least from when they met.

"Robert? Why are you so cheerful?" Violet said staring at her son.

"Well, um" Robert stuttered feeling his getting red. "I um, have a date with a woman I met last night at the season!" Robert blurted out. Robert looked around the breakfast room and saw his mother and sister looking at him like he was mad.

"Robert!" Violet said almost shouting, "Why haven't I met this girl yet?"

"Because, We only met just last night. But she is lovely. I think you will like her Mama. And so will Rosamund and father."

"But is she British?" Violet asked again.

"No." Robert started. "She's American. But don't interrupt me please."

But of course Violet being her usual self interrupted, "Well, I she is American then I don't like her."

"But Mama. She is not like any American girl you have ever met. She's different. And..." Robert's voice drifted off

"And?" Violet said.

"Never mind." Robert said shaking his head while exiting the breakfast room. "Just, never mind."

"What was that all about?" Rosamund asked with a questioning look.

"I have no idea my dearest one. No idea." Violet sighed.

~ :) :) :) ~

Robert was in the village. He was in the village looking for the hotel Cora was staying in. Now. Witch hotel is Cora staying in? Robert thought to himself. There were 3 different hotels in Downton Village ad a few out of the village. Robert looked at the three hotels Grantham Arms, Downton Hotel, and The Abbey Inn. Witch one?

"Well," Robert said to himself "I'll go into the Downton Hotel first." Robert got very lucky because he was right. Cora and her mom where staying in the Downton Hotel. Robert got the room number and went up the stairs to go and find the room. Once Robert found the room he knocked on the white birch door. He stared at the room number 11B. Robert thought about how many people had stayed in this room. Robert waited for about a 10 seconds when he heard the door being unlocked from inside the room. The door was opened by Cora.

"Sir Robert!" Cora exclaimed, half excited and half questioning. "What are you doing here?"

"Remember? We are having lunch together." Robert answered looking at Cora. She was wearing a dark purple dress with white lace on it. Robert thought Cora looked like an angle.

"Oh yes." Cora smiled clearing her throat. "Let me just change really quick and we can go."

"Of course." Robert said feeling so happy.

Cora was out in about five minutes and was ready to go. She wore an elegant light pink skirt and matching top. Her blue eyes seemed so piercing with pink. "Ready?" Cora asked with a smile.

"Yes." Robert said breathless. He could not get over who pretty she looked. Every day cora seemed to just get Prettier everyday. Robert and Cora went out the hotel door and into the carriage. Cora sat on one side and Robert sat on the opposite side of her.

"Where are we going?" Asked Cora again.

"My favorite place to eat at. It's a very high end place and they have the best tea. I can't remember the places name Unfortunately."

"It's all right." Cora soothed. "I for get little things like that all the time."

"At least I'm not the only one." Robert chuckled. In about 2 minutes cora and Robert where at the place that Robert loved to eat at, Cora and Robert sitting at a two person table whitch was right in the center of the everything. The walls inside the restaurant were white and there was a white glass floor. The Type of floor that was like a mior that you could see your whole reflection in.

"So." Robert prompted, "Let's talk about you Miss. Cora."

"Alright." Cora started taking a sip of the icy cold water, "Well, obvisly I am from America and I have a brother and father and mother. My dad is very rich and he had alot of money. But that is probably very boring to talk about. And I love the outdoors and also America."

Robert perked up when he heard Cora was very rich. "And that is why I chose you." He murered under his breath.

"What?" Cora asked looking up. Cora had very amazing hearing and could hear what anyone and everyone was saying. Even if she didn't want to.

"It's nothing Cora." Robert answered. How come every one could sort of hear what Robert was saying but they just couldn't make out the words. Robert wondered

"Hello Miss. Hello Sir." The young waitress answered. She had her dark blond hair up in a tight bun. Her brown eyes fixed on Cora out if peer jealousy. She enveyed Cora's graceful poised looks but the waitress shook it off and went on doing her job.

Robert spoke first, "I would like the crab spinach soup."

"Alright." The woman said writing down Robert's request then turned toward Cora for her request, "And for you?"

Cora scanned the menu. All this food seemed foreign to her. "I will have the cottage pie." Cora answered not quite knowing what the cottage pie quite was.

"Okay." The waitress answered again writing down Cora's request. "They will be right out."

Once the waitress left another person came to Cora and Robert giving them some tea along with cream, sugar, and honey.

"Will anyone else like to enteript our conversation?" Cora giggled with a smirk.

" I know. Right?" Robert chuckled. He could already tell that Cora had a wicked scene of humor. This was going to be a great lunch with a lady with lots of money who was just the person Robert was looking for.

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