The Days After

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The season had been over for two days now and Robert couldn't get Miss Cora Levinson's face out of his mind. Every time he closed his eyes, all he saw was him and Cora dancing in the moonlight.

"Robert, my dear boy, you seem a little dazed. What's the matter?" Patrick asked while buttering his toast and sprinkling pepper on his scrambled eggs.

Robert shook his head and blinked. "Oh, sorry father. I guess I am a little bit spacey. The season took a tole on me." Robert chuckled and took a sip of his tea.

"Yes, yes. Same with me. It seemed as if there was a wonderful group of ladies at the ball. Did you meet anyone?" Patrick inquired.

"Uh, there were a few ladies that I already new. Lady Catherine, Miss Lilly Tock, Lady Louisa. There were a lot of American's as well."

Patrick raised an eyebrow as he unfolded the news paper. "Oh, really? Did you meet American gals?"

"Well, of course I talked to a few. I mean, they talked to me, I just sort of listened." Robert lied.

"Hmm, that's not what I saw Robert." Patrick grinned. He loved having all this inside knowledge that Robert thought was so secretive.

"What do you mean?" Robert shifted in his seat and his face turned a bright shade of red. He stirred his tea with one of the small silver spoons and tapped his foot.

"Well, someone who shall not be named informed me that you were with one American lady." Patrick said the word American like his mother said foreigner. "You know Robert, those Americans are filled with money. I'm fact, they are almost made of money." He leafed through the news paper waiting for Robert to answer him.

"Mmhmm," Robert stuck a bite of his now cold eggs in his mouth. He forced him self to swallow before he replied. "I've heard about the Americans as well. But honestly Papa, an American countess? Mama would probably die. She needs a successor who will fill mama's shoes."

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