(Oneshot) Sweet but deadly

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(After a race to the ice cream store)

"(Y/N)! Can't you wait up?" Romeo called as you both ran. You were exploring new worlds together when a specific portal caught your interest. A green portal with strange redstone like blocks . You found a whole new world where everything was more technologically based. You two quickly adjusted to it, it was almost like home. "That's not the point of a race silly!" You called back, though you did at least turn to check on him. Both of you eventually stopped, allowing you both to catch your breath. "Well, next time, let's not race." You chuckled and shook your head fondly with a smile. You've been with Romeo for two years now, and yet he still seems like a little child. You don't mind it really, in fact you're use to it now. "You're the one who yelled 'Race you' and ran ahead." You reminded him with your arms folded. He rubbed the back of his head as his cheeks flushed a bright pink with a small "Oops". He's so adorable when he's this awkward. With another giggled, you motioned for him to follow you. "Come on, let's go check out the city."

You guys walked around the city as the locals continue their daily lives. The hardly noticed the pair of newcomers in town. Next to you, you noticed the red haired bean, as you like to call him, tense up. He has had a dramatic experience with people when you met him so it's reasonable for him to be tense in the crowd. You lightly brushed your hand over his, allowing him to hold your hand. He took it and you gave it a gentle squeeze. You didn't need to do much to comfort him nowadays, just let him know you're by his side. After sometime of walking, it almost seemed impossible to miss. A small ice-cream stand with a small line waiting for ice-cream. You've had some before, once. It was vanilla flavored. You wanted to try other flavors as well. Romeo seemed to pick up on your idea and the two of you walked hand in hand to the stall.

After ordering, you two sat by a bench with swirls of ice-cream each in their own waffle cones. You had (Favorite Flavor) Ice cream while Romeo had strawberry flavored. You took a small lick of your ice cream, the sweet taste of the frothy soft served desert sent a cool sensation around your mouth. You let out a breath before taking in some more ice cream. It's so yummy. You turn to Romeo, only to recieve a shock as you watch him gobble up the entire ice-cream cone. You were needless to say, speechless. Romeo wiped the rest of the ice cream from his lips and licked it off his finger. Completely unfazed, he turned to you. "That was delicious!" He said. Then he noticed your expression. "What?" You blinked in confusion. "Aren't you at all concerned about a..." You didn't get to finish your sentence when he started to clutch his head with a few increasing ows. "...brain freeze."

You couldn't really do much as he held his head, trying to subdue the pain. You held his shoulder and patted it. Giving him a small amount of comfort. As the brain freeze started to wear off he took in a few deep breaths. With a final sigh, he noted "Rule number one, ice cream is the most deadliest desert ever." You smiled awkwardly. "Hahahaha, only if you don't take your time to enjoy it." You said, taking another taste of your own ice cream.

With a great sigh you look around. This city seems so busy yet at the same time so relaxed. Everyone is pulling through daily struggles and enjoying life. You let the breeze flow through your hair before another satisfying taste. You felt a pair of eyes on you so you turned to your right. Romeo stared at you with a loving smile on his face. Once he saw you notice him staring at you his cheeks turned pink. You gave him a small smile and continued to consume your sweet treat. With that being said, once you finished, you two sat in silence for a while before you lean your head on Romeo's shoulder. You felt him tense up at first but then calm down and put an arm around your shoulder and leaned on your head. 

The cuddles didn't stop there, when you two got to your apartment, you noticed him sitting on the couch...still playing that game of his. When he discovered these gaming consoles, he really enjoyed them. You didn't disturb him while he did so, you just sat and leaned on him. You can't remember what it was called, 3rd street angels or something. "And...I died again." he said. He turned to you and noticed you dressed in your pajamas, snug as a bug. "Hey, you want to watch a movie?" he asked. You normally would think about it but you felt relaxed and decided quickly., "Sure" You brought a blanket with you and he started to switch the game to a movie you both loved. While he was doing that, you went to go get some snacks. Just some popcorn. When you got back it was moments of him lying down on the couch, with you laying on top of him and hugging him, him putting one hand on your back while messing around with your hair. You're pretty sure you fell asleep in his arms.

(I tried, I just really wanted this done, I had an idea for a new chapter and i wanted to execute my plan. g'night!)

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