(Oneshot) Painful time

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(Hi! It's me! This book is not dead! Yes that's a Markiplier joke. Sorry it took so long for me to update but  I'm finally back to updating. The chapter "Hangout day" is in the works, but I'm actually working to keep that one a bit more on the platonic side to actually focus on the hanging out concept. So he can be your friend there or its your guys' pre-dating For now, here is a one shot dedicated to all my ladies on their period. Stay strong girls! Also, Romeo has his powers here, just so you know)

"OOOOOWWW!" you wined. It was the worst time ever for you. You hated it. It was the time when blood would hit you like a nuclear bomb. When your stomach would pain, having fresh ice cold water was bad for you but yet you needed some and you had to be careful to take a lot of bathroom breaks. That's right, you're on your periods. It was day 3, less than halfway, and you just want it to be over.

"Whyyyyyyyy?!" you yelled. "When the F@#k will it be over?!" You laid on your couch sad in your black pants and (F/C) open shoulder shirt. Cramps are the worst, because of this, the plans you made were ruined. What plans you ask? The ones you had to have a date with, well... the Admin. When you first met, Romeo asked you out simply due to his "effort" to make some new friends. Of course it was ment to be just a passing fling, but after telling more about each other, he became interested in you and eventually you grew on each other as a result, so you guys decided to make it official. You had made it through at least 2 years. He's getting used to things, like being nice, having people care about you and above all, being loved. Despite the name Romeo, he wasn't much used to romance, but he's more into it now. He's even aware of your period. He helps and you do appreciate but... let's just say he's not the best at playing caretaker. Late time, you two bickered about where you kept the pads and black jeans for an hour before you actually found them, right in plain sight.

"Hey (Y/N)?! You home?!"

Speaking of which... You heard Romeo teleport in the nearby room, so you called out "On the couch!" You heard the sound of his powers hum from behind the living room door as he peaked out. "Darling? Are you alright?" His voice echoed. You shook your head in response. "What's the matter?" He hovered over to you as you sighed heavily. "Black pants, my stomach hurts and I'm tired." Was your only response. It took him a while as he stared at you, confused, but he figured it out.

"Code red?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry Romeo, we're going to have to postpone our date. I was really heavy yesterday and now I'm fatigued."

You could see he was a little upset. You don't blame him really, you were both looking forward to this date for a while. Plus he's been busy most of the time and you finally found a schedule, which has been ruined since ruby river decided to take a damn early sleepover. You sighed and looked at him dead in the eyes

"You can still hang out here if you want. I... could really use some company."
He shrugged his shoulders with a smile as he hovered over to the empty spot on the couch behind you. He reached over and stroked your head, playing with your soft/fluffy hair. "How bad are the cramps?" He HAD to ask. "Not good." You hoped he wasn't going to make some joke, but you didn't expect what came next.

"Hold still for a moment."

You were a little surprised once you felt yourself levitate from your spot. It was like something was holding you both up and down at the same time. You floated backwards and were laid down with your head against Romeo's chest. His arms trailed around your waist until his hands reached your stomach, something was different. His palms felt warm, like a heat lamp but softer. "You can control your own body temperature?" You asked, amazed at something so simple yet so useful. "(Y/N), I'm the Admin, I can practically do anything." Hope that's not a brag but you'll let it slide considering the situation. The heat from his palms sent into your stomach soothed the cramping while you finally felt the exhaustion catch up and rolled your head to the side, the rhythem of his heartbeat sounded so calming that you could practically fall asleep. "Feeling better?" A satisfied hum escaped your lips as you nodded, shuffling a bit into a comfortable position. "Thanks."

"Let me know if you need to get up, okay?"

"Okay?...also you owe me a LOT of warm cuddles in the winter now."

"Hahaha... I'm fine with that."

MCSM Romeo x Reader Oneshots [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now