(Oneshot) Romance in the dark

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(Okay so, little history for this one. Mix of BeaconTown and our world technology. You're a writer and you work as a co writer alongside Lukas and Aiden. This one is...well... see for yourself. Edit: I didn't notice this at first so let me put a warning. I'm not usually a spicy stuff writer but... the near end is a little.... intimate, that's all I'll say)

"You're still up?" Romeo's voice groaned beside you as you tapped away on the keyboard that popped up on your tablet. You had recently gotten a job at the local library in Beacon Town and you, Lukas and Aiden were all on a trip to look for inspirations, filling up some spaces for new books. As a team of writers, you guys all helped inspire each other with different stories and tales, but lately you guys have been lacking in Inspiration. The thing is, normally you guys have a pattern, Lukas often writes about Jesse's adventures, Aiden writes about his biography and you write spin offs of the little stories you made up when you were little, you know, playing with your toys and making up stories? Not much but the kids love it. It was a weird way of trying to do a job but somehow it ended up with you improving your writing skills and being able to create more original stories. It helped Lukas and Aiden as well. Now you guys were trying to dig around for new ideas, going on trips, hunting for some de ja vou, all the kinds of stuff authors do when they're looking for inspiration. Now seeing as you had writers block on your actual published stories, you decided to step back to your usual fanfic reading and writing, hoping some bright new idea pops up, allowing you to think outside the box ... why fanfics you ask? Well, it's safer you don't think about it. Problem is, you somehow managed to lose track of time.

"I've got a lot of stories I need to work on, besides I'm almost done." You say in a low voice, ruffling your boyfriends hair. You guys got together nearly 3 years ago and some people wondered how you survived so long, mainly due to Romeo's history. Turns out you guys finding each other was just the change of pace you both needed, opening a new chapter in both of your stories. Hehe, book jokes. While you tapped away on the last stretch of your draft, you began to feel rather warm under the blanket. No not THAT kind of warm you dirty birdies, you literally felt the temperature raise too much for your liking. Hot nights are rare but not impossible. The problem with it was, you could keep taking the blanket on and off and you'll never be satisfied with the temperature. "Gosh it's so hot here."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Romeo says to you cheekily. You chuckle at this. "I mean the blanket." You say as you turn slightly in his direction. "You know Romeo, your mind works in strange ways." "Why do you say that?" Oh many reasons, but you decided to put it into a more simple manner. "Well, sometimes when I say things, you find a way to make it either romantic, spicy or both." You returned to your work just before you felt movement from next to you over by your end. From the corner of your eye you watched the silhouette of his figure crawl to your end just above, looming over you. "Really now?" his voice sounded soft, teasing, playful.

You put your tablet down to look him in the eyes, it is a little eerie looking at first sight but you know who he is, so it's a little bit endearing. Now with the device facing upwards, the light shown from the bottom, highlighting the lower areas of his face,  it almost made his beard glow in the dark which was a little odd, but now you could see it on his face. A smug smile and eyes of desire. You know that look anywhere. "Are you trying to seduce me away from work just so I can sleep?" You ask as you move a piece of his hair out of his face. "Well, that and maybe I just want some quality time with my woman." He responds as he moves the tablet from on top of your stomach to the bedside table next to you. You shake your head fondly and wrap your arms around his neck, giving into the effect he had on you.

"They really don't call you you Romeo for nothing, huh?"

"I'm serious (Y/N), with this job of yours, I hardly get time to be around you."

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so tiring, mixed with my hobbies and all."

You guys had a moment of silence before Romeo closed the gab between your mouths. You never get tired of how his lips feel. It's a sensation that can sooth all your worries in moments, a tender taste of sweetness with the relaxing feeling of his touch. He stopped holding himself up and let his body drop softly onto yours, giving his hand free permission to slide onto you hips. He's right, you guys hardly get time to do this, you almost forgot how good it felt. After a minute of your little kissing session, you separated for air, an idea coming to mind.

"You know, Jesse asked to use the library as a meeting room for The Order of the Stone tomorrow, I can take a day off then..." you didn't even get to the main point of your suggestion and he already seemed intrigued by what you had to say. "...and you can have me all to yourself the whole day. If you're okay with it" You didn't have to wait for a response. "I quite like the sound of that." His hands trailed up towards your back and his lips once again made contact with yours as you ran your fingers through his soft and fluffy red hair. It was a few minutes before you ended up being tired enough to go to sleep, but it was comfortable, knowing the man you love the most is by your side.

(Or behind/in front of you, depends which way you fall asleep, really.)

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