(Oneshot) Shy beans

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I almost forgot about this idea. Original idea from @_Wing_The_Moths_. In this chapter both you and Romeo are super Shy.

"Hey (Y/N)!" You heard Xara's voice call. "What took you so long?" This is going to be awkward, but you were trying to look your best for Romeo. Yeeeaaah. Long story short, you hung out with Xara for some time to make some new friends, then Romeo came along and you chatted quite a few time. But after a while you found it really difficult to talk to him, you felt your cheeks burn sometimes when you were around him and most times you would feel butterflies in your stomach. You had no idea why you were so nervous around him until you realized it.

Having a crush on him was one thing, knowing you have a crush on him, that makes things a lot awkward. It didn't help that Xara has been inviting you over without telling you he's home. I mean, they live together, you'd at least trust her to help you out here after you told her about your big crush on him. Boy were you wrong. Well, back to the present, right now you were wearing a nice (F/C) dress and a pair of white / black ankle high boots. "Sorry Xara, I was kinda looking for what to wear." you said awkwardly. When you got  to the front of her house, she stood there arms crossed. "Why? Did you just want to look pretty, or is there someone you're trying to impress?" she asked with a smug expression. Oh yeah, she does THAT too. You pouted at her, "Very funny." Well you can't be too mad, what's some friendly teasing between friends. You just need to get used to the fact that she's the only person who knows.

After you got to her living room, you took a book out of the storage to read, but then as you turned, you bumped into someone. "Aah!" "Oof!" When you fell, you looked to the person who you collided with, face as red as their hair. "Oh my gosh (Y/N)! Are you alright!" Romeo's voice sounded with worry as you helped you up, blushing like the adorable dork he is. "I didn't even see you, I didn't mean to..." "Romeo, relax. I'm fine." You said. As you placed your hands on his shoulders you looked at him deep in his...sweet dark brown eyes. You two stood there for a solid 5 seconds before you realized what was going on. "I mean.." "Um...uh...yeah your okay" "Yeah yeah I am, heh" You said as you too started to blush, only letting go after you exchanged some more stuttering and blushing, you two heard Xara yell from the other room. "(Y/N) Romeo! I'm going out for a while, keep each other company!"....and here we go again. This is normal, After you two bump into each other by accident, she leaves. Yoy weren't sure of it but now you know for sure, she wants you to fess up. One of these days, you are so gonna get her for this. "Um...(Y/N)?" Romeo started, as he scratched the back of his head. "Yeah?" you asked as you stared at him awkwardly. "You um....you look lovely" "Um...thank you." "Your welcome."... silence. This is also normal. One of you start up the conversation, then immediately you are both dead silent. Romeo made a sort of *ahem* noise before speaking up. "Um...I'm gonna....just...go to my room."Y-yeah...okay" then both of you went in separate directions. Honestly...that could have gone worse...or better...depends on who you are.

It was about an hour and you were contemplating wether to leave or attempt to hang out with Romeo. This was literally tearing you apart, your heart was aching and you wanted to tell him how you felt about him. But everytime you're around him, the butterflies in your stomach explode, so you panicked and left. This was...torture. You decided to walk upstairs and roam around Romeo and Xara's house, they don't really mind. You've been to their house many times, it was okay for you to explore, just as long as you don't find something you weren't supposed to find. "Why does Xara do this?!" You heard Romeo exclaim in frustration from the other side of the door to his room. You were a bit startled when you heard him, you never heard him so frustrated.  From what you heard, he sighed and sat down on the bed. "I never should have told her I have a crush on (Y/N)." ...did...did you hear that correctly? He...has a crush on you too? He actually feels the same way about you? You normally weren't a person to eavesdrop but you wandered if he was going to say anything else. And should you say something?

"I, I want to tell her but it's just so awkward. I can't get my words out, Just being near her makes me blush, I want to embrace that and be with her. But, I...no, I can't keep this up. I have to try. I...what if won't get another chance?" There was a sort of pain in his voice, you understand though. You share that pain. "I love (Y/N) with all my heart but I don't know how to tell her how much she means to me." He feels the same way about you. You sighed, he's right, there's no way doing this will help, for either of you. You should tell him the truth, even if it kills you. You took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to walk to the door, open it and say "Did I hear correctly?" You weren't really as confident as you made yourself, you actually felt you cheeks heat up, probably at the same rate Romeo's cheeks were reddening as he watched you just waltz up into his room and realize what you just said. He was speechless, his eyes were wide and his jaw almost about to drop.

" I-I, how much did you hear?!" He exclaimed in an awkwardness as he got off his bed. "Quite a bit." You said. As the desire to express how you felt the same way came on a sort of stubborn and messy wave length as you fidgeted with your fingers "Listen I...I may, or may not um...how do I put this...I..." You sighed. Romeo didn't know what was going on, he just stood there, hoping for the best, but fearing the worst. Eventually you took a deep breath and out of your mouth came the words you held back for so long. "I love you too!" You buried your face in your hands as it heated up like a furnace.

Silence fell, as usual, but this was different. You had confessed, both of you had. To back down from this was basically a crime. There was no going back, but where would you take it from there? Romeo stepped forward wanting to say something, anything. Then of course nothing came out of his mouth, because words were not enough. Without thinking, he walked towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He honestly had no idea what he was doing but he was sure of one thing, knowing you felt the same way about him, gave him all the confidence he needed. Feeling his embrace caused you to slowly peek out from your palms and see the bright red dusted on his cheeks. The two of you held eye contact for a while, then in a bold turn of events, with your eyes tight shut, you smacked you lips straight onto his.

Romeo was once again flabbergasted, but recovered quickly enough to return the kiss. What may have started off as and awkward encounter, turned into a pleasant exchange of emotions with little to say. Breaking away, the both of you were basically two cherries with how red you both had turned. "Hey um...Romeo?" you asked nervously, "Can uh...can I be your girlfriend?" As if he wasn't blushing enough, he felt like he was about to explode. But if he fainted on the spot it would be a bit of a hassle. Taking a small not-so-quiet gulp, he responded "Y-yeah...Of course...can um...can I take you out on a date?...Tomorrow?...Anyday?...Maybe?" You didn't know wether to have a burst of joy or just savour the moment. After all, you weren't planning on doing anything tomorrow, other than swoon over him in private. "I...yeah...a date sounds nice." For the first time ever between you two, the silence helped instead of making it worse. No one speaks, not one word, all the words are in your eyes.

(PHEW! At long last! It's finished! I am so happy! I think I did pretty good. I'm just glad to be done with this chapter, I've had had writers block so many times with this one but at last I managed to make an awkward yet cute oneshot. And I don't think I noticed it myself but as it turns out, I specialize in fluff 😊)

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