(Oneshot) Cold meeting

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(HEY GUESS WHO' BACK!! Okay um... i need to be clear, i don't write lemons or limes ... but this time things are going to be a bit spicy at the end because i felt like it so be prepared)

"Moco!" You called to your wolf. You two treaded through the cold snow biomes in search of some adventure and lost your way, she ran off and you had to go after her. Then you tripped and fell, losing sight of her due to that. You hated this temperature, you were less prepared for this than anything, you had warm clothes, but they were not enough, you really should have thought this through. The snow was falling and the wind was howling as you started to shiver. It felt like you were going to catch hypothermia. "Moco!!" You called again, lips trembling as the wind carried your voice forward. Time passed, the cold became so unbearable that you fell to your knees. No, you couldn't die here, you were so far from home, you had no idea where you were and worse, Moco was nowhere around. You were all alone. You refused, you couldn't...not here. That was all you thought as your vision began fading. Just as the rest of you fell down, a distant barking sounded. It sounded like it was coming to your direction. "M-Moco...?" was the last word to leave your shaking lips lips barking increased as Moco came running towards you. You were able to to catch a glimpse of her running up to you before your vision ended.

You woke up warmly, resting on a soft wool carpet. It felt like there was a warm blanket around you and a fireplace was just a few blocks away. It felt so warm you didn't even try to open your eyes, until a barking sounded and you felt a fluffy head nudge you. "Mmm, not now Moco." you said. Turning to the other side, the wolf walked over to the other sides of the wool and licked your face, causing you to open your eyes. "Haha okay, okay girl I'm up." you said as you opened your eyes to Moco's body of fluff with her cyan collar. She looked so happy to see you that as you were sitting up and petting her, you didn't even hear the footsteps behind you. "You're awake!" a male voice sounded. You turned in shock to see a man with red hair and a beard, dark brown eyes and light skin. He wore a grey shirt with a red and black jacket, Blue jeans and red shoes with white trim. He had some cooked fish with him. "Are you alright? You were unconscious when I found you out in the snow." He said. Out in the snow? So that wasn't a dream. You were freezing to death and this...man...found you? But who is he? You had some trouble finding your voice but you managed. "I... yes. I'm fine." you responded, not sure of what to say, you didn't know this man, you don't really know if you can trust him. He sighed and nodded, "Alright, good."

You looked around at the house you were in, it was small but homey, the fireplace had a picture of three entities, one purple, one blue, and one red. Something seemed interesting about the red one, like a chill ran down your spine at the same time as a comforting aura emitted when you looked at it. Strange, but you continued to look around the house. The wood floors and walls, along with everything else were illuminated by the fire place. The kitchen area had a few chests, a furnace and a crafting table and was decorated with a black and white checkered rug. The sitting area, which was where you were, had the little red and white wool carpet. The table by the eating area had wooden slabs with doors to form chairs.  Lastly there was a quaint little offside room just behind a wall, probably the bedroom. The windows showed the starry night sky outside, making the fire place and the few torches the sources of light. The stranger walked over to you and sat beside you. "Here" he said, offering you one of the two cooked fish. "You must be hungry." You weren't too much really, but you did feel like eating something, besides you didn't want to be rude. You took the one fish, looking at it before letting a simple "Thank you." leave your lips before eating it. It tasted delicious, and you rarely had any fish anyway what with the ponds being frozen. He ate the other one by the way.

You two sat in silence for a while which was rather unbearable enough that you wanted to break it. You've never met this man before so you have no idea how to start a conversation with him. But there was one thing you did want to know. "Why did you help me?" you asked calmly, looking in his direction. He looked at you surprised, as if you asked about something you weren't supposed to know. "You were collapsed out in the cold, surely you don't think I'd let you freeze to death." He said as he got up. "Good thing your wolf lead me to you, she was so insistent that I'd follow her, I didn't even know why until I saw you." Moco put her paws on your lap and barked proudly. You smiled and petted her. "You went to get help." You said in realisation as to why she ran off. "I was so worried about you when you ran off, I'm glad you're okay." You turned to your saviour and looked deep into his dark brown eyes. "Thank you for saving me." You said. He gave you a calm yet sweet smile. "You're welcome. Here..." He said as he handed you a white bed. "...it's too dark out. to journey back. You'll need to rest here for the night, or at least until the snow clears up." You nodded. "What's your name?" You asked. "My name? It's...it's Romeo." "I'm (Y/N)" 

About half a year later, you and Romeo began to get along well. Ever since that day, you went to go visit him often, though you had to wait for good weather. You even learned a bit about each other' pasts, you also however learned about him being the admin. You heard rumours about him but never properly saw him. You only based your judgement based on what you've heard but because you've met him in person, you wouldn't believe he was as bad as everyone says he is. You told him you don't care if he's the admin, you still care about him. You two have been friends for so long, but only because you couldn't tell him how you felt.

One day you were over at his house for a sleepover, mostly because you were traveling a long distance and needed a place to stay, you were kinda tired. It's a good thing you can count of your new friend. Oh why do you still call him that, can't you see how much you want to be more than just friends. You weren't even sure if you could stand it anymore. Then you heard him call you. "Hey (Y/N)! Can you come to my room for a minute?!" he yelled. "On my way."

As you walked over from where you placed the guest bed to Romeo's room, Moco looked up at you. You hardley ever went into his room before. You only went once to see what it looked like. A double red bed and a a chest. Right now, Romeo sat there...shirtless. Don't gawk, it's normal for men and the fireplace was on while there was no major cold climate outside so no big deal. You've seen him like this a few times before, except the first time you never expected him to be...surprisingly fit. But back to the present, he sat there in a moment of thought as you walked over to him. "Everything okay?" you asked. He looked up at you before looking away and shrugging, "It's complicated." he said. You gave him a confused look. "Why?" you asked. Romeo got up and walked past you a few centimetres. "Listen, (Y/N). I know we kind of just go about our days as buddies but I just...listen I'm not gonna sugar coat it okay? I like you...like a lot." he walked over back to you before saying that and resting his forehead on yours. "I want us to be closer than friends, I want to hold you, to have you close and to cherish every moment with you. Is...is that wrong...am I wrong to want that?" You were at a lost for words, you didn't even know how to react, then your gut just let you say "No it's not. There's nothing wrong with it. In fact...I feel the same way..." Romeo' eyes widened at your last words, he was expecting a slow let down but never before had he ever gotten this situation before. He was almost speechless until you leaned in have him a lingering kiss.

His soft lips moved in sync with yours as his hands moved to hold your waist. You held your hand on his bare chest, feeling his heartbeat. He seemed to by trying to push you down to but lightly with no effort whatsoever, as if trying to ask if he's allowed to. It took you a while to remember that his bed was behind you. You carefully let leaned backwards while holding a light grip on his shoulder. Taking this as a signal he leaned in, pushing you down on the red blankets. His lips trailed along your lips,  past your jawline, down your neck and onto your collarbone. He moved his hands so that one held your back while the other kept him balanced as his body loomed over yours. Lightly, you hitched your breath as you felt the kisses trail. He stopped and lifted his head to face you as you made eye contact with him. You could see the passion in his eyes, the desire. You ran your fingers through his hair as you stared into his warm brown eyes, until Moco gave a sharp bark. She probably saw a bat outside again. The two of you chuckled at the moment as a single yawn came from you. Romeo only gave you a soft smile. "Tired?" he asked. You nodded slightly with a little "Mhm." as you laid down onto the bed. "C'mon, you can use my bed rather." "Because I'm allowed to or because you just want to cuddle?" you teased, earning a chuckle from him. "Maybe a bit of both."

That night could not have gotten any better. It may have been a little awkward but you didn't want too think too much of it as you slept there in his arms. His body felt so warm and comforting against you. His heartbeat acted as a lullaby as it sounded by your ear. This...this felt so right.

(Comment for a sequel and I will give you Romeo being affectionate to cheer you up)

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