(Oneshot) Nerve wreck

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On May 29th a user (who left Wattpad) sent in a request. I wish I could have finished it before they left T-T. I was having some trouble executing this chapter but I had help from Jessicanightmarewolfso here you go.

Shy!Romeo x Reader

Your P.O.V

I was just casually strolling through the streets of beacon town, nothing serious. In fact I'm actually going to have lunch with some friends later so I might as well grab some presents along the way. It wasn't until the corner of my eye, I spotted a figure with red hair in the distance. There are only two people with red hair in this town and earlier I saw that the girl with red hair was busy maintaining her store so it had to be the guy, who I actually know. I've got some time, might as well talk to him.

As I approached I got a bit of a tingly feeling, hearing what he was saying to a flower "What have I been doing (Y/N) my dear , I've been thinking about you. Your aura is so angelic, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" he said with his English accent, he's trying out pickup lines again. I chuckled quietly as I got close to him, ending up right behind him without him even knowing. "Hehe, that's a classic." he said to his practice flower, giving one single finger gun. "So what are you up to darling?" Taking this as my que, I lean over and softly say "Oh nothing much my dear Romeo how about you?" "Gaah!" He turned around in surprise and shock, his face being coated in a lightish red. "I uh, um, (Y-Y/N), hi. Uh I- was just uh hehe...y-you see I-I uh..." he stuttered. He really couldn't say anything now. This is normal at the very least.

"H-how ya been!?" he said, as he leaned with his hand on a pole as if it was a normal wall, which caused him to loose grip and fall to his side with a shriek. This scenario being what a friend of mine would call 'being like a clumsy anime girl'. "Ow..." was all I heard him say as he looked at me, utterly embarrased. His cheeks seemed to be covered in 50 shades of redstone.All joking aside, I decided to help him up. As I extended a hand he seemed nervous before taking it and standing up with my help. "I uh you..tanks...I mean thanks! I uh." oh boy, that's a bit of a stretch. His face seemed to be unable to remain as confident as he was earlier.

"So what have you been up to lately?" I asked, well aside from talking to a flower and pretending it was me of course. "O-oh me? I uh... I-I've b-been uh wo...BUSY! Yeah, I've been busy..uh..doing s-some stuff...i" He said. "I-I'm very sorry I p-probably look like a mess right now." I just chuckled, he does but I decided to take the opportunity to do a little bit of MY OWN flirting with him a little bit, and said. "Nah, I think ya look...pretty damn hawt." Snapping my fingers before holding up finger guns. As if he hadn't been a blushing mess already, now his whole face was red. Bingo, his reaction is so adorable, besides, it is a little true what I said if I admit, I do think he's pretty good looking.

"D-d-d-don't say that!" he exclaimed, trying to look away. I let out a small giggle. "Hehe, sorry, I can't help it, you're really adorable when you blush." I told him, it looked like I only made it worse. As he was trying to comprehend the situation with words, all that came out was stuttering and "I"s, "um"s and "uh"s, before he eventually went "I'veGotToGoByeSeeYouLater." he said as he tried to speed walk away but tripped over a rock and stumbled forward. After getting back on his feet he checked to see if I wasn't looking, and seeing as I was, He just walked off, really humiliated. I just give a loud sigh, he seems like such a nice guy, but he doesn't seem like he can ask me out. Why


After lunch with my friends, I decided to sit by the park bench. Everything was quite and I was left with my thoughts. The truth is, I just can't get over Romeo. He's too adorable. Why doesn't he just ask me out already? I'd do it myself but I'm not too sure yet about asking someone one out on a date. I mean, I can take a hint at what Romeo's getting at and that he likes me but I he can never tell me, then again, sometimes I feel like he doesn't even use all those cheesy pickup lines at all. While I was thinking to myself, I heard a familiar voice. "Someone's busy on board her train of thought." the voice said, I turned my head in the direction of it. "Oh, hi Xara. What's up?" I asked as Romeo's best friend and roommate sat next to me. "Oh nothing much." she responded. "And you?" "Not too much. Is Romeo okay?" I ask, hoping maybe I can gets some evidence of his...feelings..."Yeah, why? Has he been stuttering his words while trying to use cheesy pick up lines on you again?"

How on earth did she know that? Does Romeo practice these things at home too? "Yeah kind of...the thing is, even if he likes me he wouldn't be able to tell me." I say with an audible sigh. "Well, why don't you tell him that YOU like him?" "Because..." Actually she's got a point. I have my boundaries when asking a guy out on a date, but you never thought of just telling them how you feel. "...actually I dunno." everything was silent for a while. "I guess I've been giving him a chance." I suggested. "Well no matter how many chances you give him, he's going to chicken out." Xara said bluntly. She's got a point...


I figured it out. It's a bold but it has to work. I'm gonna tell him myself, and if he cracks, I'll do the asking out. Sometimes I have no idea what I'm doing but somehow it all turns out fine. Eventually I noticed Romeo walking past me while I was sitting on my seat outside on my porch. Well here goes nothing, I got up and walked over to him "Hi Romeo!" I called. He turned around surprised at the sound of my voice just popping up. "Uh-oh, um h-hi (Y/N)." He said. "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" "Oh t-talk...t-t-to me um..s-sure..uh I've got time." he responded, shoulders a bit tense, face a bit red. I took in a deep breath and said. "Look, I know it seems  too obvious, but you've been practicing these pickup lines and pretending to talk to me using them. Do you have a thing for me?" I just said calmly, locking eyes with him. "Y-you mean...I...well..." he couldn't find any sort of answer, he even seemed a little nervous. But I...that's it. I like him, really, I want to get to know him. I can't believe I'm saying this but. "Well  listen, you might not know this, but 'I' like 'you'." I told him. "I want us to hang out."

"R-really?" he asked, completely shocked . "Y-you actually like me?" he was completely surprised, he even began blushing even more when I nodded my head with a smile. "Why don't we go out later for dinner?" I suggested. He just responded with a long uhh and eventually a yes with a shrug.

After that I went off to go buy some things for supper. Something tell me Romeo's still just standing there in shock.

Romeo's POV



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