(Oneshot) Just blocks and Love

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Romeo x JSAB!Pink!Reader...Got a liking to this game called Just shapes and beats and I like the human portration of the main boss fight, known to the community as Blixer, so you are based on him, from the fanart and on the wiki, I had no idea those horn things were cat ears until I looked it up.

So if your confused on the context, Let's rather call it Romeo x Formerly evil! Neko (cat girl)! Reader. Yeah that's... just humor me okay?

-Third person P.O.V-

You and Romeo knew each other for quite some time, about 2 whole years actually. You're normally seen hanging around him when Xara's off on this "walk of solitude" to try and make peace with Fred's death. It bothered you that she and Romeo lost their friend in that cruel way. You couldn't blame them, ever since you were redeemed by these heroes called "The Shapes" you felt something you never felt before your corruption...empathy. You felt really bad and wanted to help them, Romeo because you had a small...okay a HUGE crush on him and Xara because she was like a sister to you in the past time's you've known her. But what can you do? After all, you were only a pink cat girl from another world. Yeah it's complicated...

Before you found this pink flint and steel and lit this portal and all that...you kind of were a monster that had no friends and were a little upset when you were judged because you were pink...then you stole the tree of life...got defeated by the shapes...took the tree again and took it's energy and used it to make a tower and make you stronger, okay you get the idea, back then you were not a nice lady. So after the shapes FINALLY beat you, you ended up as the most hip and fresh DJ in the town, your stage name being "Blixer" while your real name was (Y/N). You found the flint and steel, portal, met Jesse, found your way home, decided to stay in BeaconTown and met Romeo and Xara. The major issue was your appearance...your hair was the same unnatural colour as your eyes. Not by the use of dye and contact lenses You literally had pink eyes and pink hair. (But they're both hot pink, don't get it confused with my old friend Angaharaheart, her hair is a different pink). Also you had to hide your cat ears in this special beanie. You wore sunglasses to hide your eyes and just let your friends think you always dye your hair. 

Anyway, it was just you and Romeo today so naturally you guys chatted about yourselves. It was something you had in common, Xara noticed this and other likenesses you two had in common. He talked about his life with Xara and Fred while you talked about your old DJ career and the new one you started. The sun was setting and silence fell, he was lying down in the grass while you sat up looking around. Bunnies and birds came out around you two so you lifted your shades to see the colours more clearer, they were all so cute and pretty. You didn't notice Romeo sit up and take the opportunity to look at your face. You turned to him and noticed him staring at you. "What is it?" you asked calmly. "Your eyes..." he said also in a calm tone. You went into panic mode and put your sunglasses back on, then covered your eyes, startling him a bit. "Y-you weren't supposed to see them!" You exclaimed, eyes shut you tuck your legs in as if curling into a pink ball. "(Y/N), there's no need to hide them, I think they're quite lovely." Romeo said, back to being completely calm. This was a surprise to you. He...wasn't freaked out by it?

Slowly you removed your hands from your face and took a hold of your sunglasses, slowly taking them off. You opened your eyes, revealing your vibrant hot pink eyes that matched your hair. You and Romeo locked eyes for a moment, you could now perfectly see his warm and gentle brown eyes peer into yours with a look you couldn't describe, a calm smile formed on his lips as his curious face softens. "I also saw you without your black kitty beanie so I know about the cat ears." "Huh..." And as you guessed you took the beanie off two. Your pink ears popped up out of the beanie a bit flat from it so you rubbed them a bit to adjust them and rid them of the uncomfort. You looked at him and sighed. "Then you know this is my natural hair color then?" you asked defeated that your secret was out. "I figured." he said. You unfurled and sat normally.

"Why did you hide all this?" Romeo asked. "I'm not a normal person, I figured no one should know that." You said. You put your shades in the beanie and set it aside. "I mean, Jesse knows because he's met me before but still what do you expect me to do?" You asked Romeo. "Go around with my ears and eyes showing?" "I'm not sure but I'd prefer it if you do show them around me." He said. "I'd prefer to know the real you." He said, scooting a bit closer to you. A hand on the ground behind you. "Well, I guess, but how would you really be really around me like this?" You asked nervously, ears dropping slightly. Romeo just smiled. "Let me show you." he said and he just leaned forward and kissed you, catching you off guard.

You had no idea he had a crush on you two...or that he was going to make a move on you. You eventually melted into the kiss and began returning it, arms wrapping around each other, the kiss smoothly melting your heart. After parting you looked into his eyes, as lovingly as he did into yours. You eventually let go away from each other and you leaned on his shoulder and relaxed. He started rubbing your arm, making you purr lightly. He heard this of course.

"(Y/N)?" Romeo asked looking at you. "Are you purring?" he asked curiously. You just "pft-ed" and said "no" plainly. "Oh really?" he asked mischievously as he moved his hand to the back of your neck, rubbing it with a slight pinch, making you purr louder. Eventually he ended up petting you and making you purr so much that you had to curl up and lie on his lap. "Enjoying yourself kitten?" Romeo asked. "Oh shush." you just said, making him chuckle. "You're so cute love."

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