(Oneshot) Ablaze

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Romeo x Aiden's Twin sister! Reader, and since you guys are twins, you look like a female version of him. The picture above is not mine. It's cropped from an image on deviantart that I forgot where I found.

 It was another boring day outside as (Y/N) walked down the streets of Beacon Town. Heck and she thought that if she moved here she would feel better, but no, she just ended up in the town run by the guy who beat her brother. To be honest she had nothing that major against Jesse, you could say she just kind of dislike him for not telling her about her twin brother Aiden staying in Sky city. She was actually completely nice to Jesse when Aiden was still a big bully, but now that he's writing his books, Jesse didn't think his rival's twin would be worried about him never coming home, so after he told her that she didn't need to know, as an excuse, (Y/N) started giving Jesse the cold shoulder. Aiden may have been a jerk to her too but the brother she loved HAD to be in there somewhere, she just new it. Now that he's all nice again, she'll never see him again.

Today she just happened to walk past her friend Nohr from Boom Town and asked what the heck she was doing here. When she said she was here to grief a (F/C) so (Y/N) ran back home and sure enough, that (F/C) house was hers. Even though Nohr didn't know it was, her brown haired friend kinda scowled her out for it, (Y/N) asked Radar to find her help to rebuild the house, not wanting to do it alone. Eventually the guy was taking long and she started building herself. She started with the frame first so that she could give the guy a directory as to how the place is supposed to build. When that was done, she went down to take a breather and wait at the one room that was at least safe from the explosion...the basement. She wondered why she even hangs out with her.

Finally, after waiting for so long, there was a knock at (Y/N)'s door...well, the door to her basement anyway. She never really hung out down there but after her destructive friend destroyed her house...she had to go and live there, in the only room that was still intact. It was under the floor after all, all she had to do was fix that and she had a place to stay. Anyway, (Y/N) answered the door and there was this guy with a light skin complection, brown eyes, red hair and a small beard, he wore a grey shirt, jeans and red shoes with white. "Um, hi?" he said, or rather asked, awkwardly. "You must be (Y/N)?" "Yup, that's me." (Y/N) said, just doing her best to remain calm. "You must be the guy Radar said was gonna show up." "Yes, that's me, I'm Romeo by the way." he introduced himself. "Nice to meet you, c'mon."

Time passed and (Y/N) had an itching feeling that she knew Romeo from somewhere...but whatever it was she couldn't place her finger on it. She and him were busy with the walls, and placing the (F/C) cement blocks in the right places. Things were going smoothly seeing as they were sticking to the frame plan. At the moment the two were finishing up one of the walls, so they could move on to the roof. During this, (Y/N) took a careful look at Romeo, two thoughts popped into her brain. The first one was that he was actually pretty good looking, his awkward vibe was adorable and he seemed like a nice guy. The other one was that he made her think about was, oddly enough...Lukas' new book. Didn't it mention one of the people in the book having the same features as Romeo? Or was she just imagining things? As he took note of her watching him, she decided to speak up before it gets weird. "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" she asked. Romeo just looked at her funny, almost puzzled. "N...Nope, I don't think so." he responded. "We've never even met before." "No not literally but..." (Y/N) continued "...you remind of a guy I read about in one of Lukas' books." She said blankly. This actually caused Romeo's shoulders to stiffen. He could still deny it but his reaction says otherwise. "I'm on the right track am I?" (Y/N) asked. Romeo went dead silent for a while.

(Y/N) had a feeling if she pushed the matter, she wouldn't get her house fixed. "Nevermind, forget it. Let's just ignore the subject okay?" she asked. Romeo gave off a short sigh of relief as he relaxed his shoulders. The two of them finished up the roof and continued to the rest of the place. Eventually it was down to the last wall. (Y/N) was actually thinking about Lukas' book again. Wasn't the guy described in the book, also called Romeo? Romeo the... that's when it hit her as she turned to him immediately "You're the Admin?!" She exclaimed. Romeo pretty much jumped out of his skin and fell to the floor. His back hitting the wooden floor, luckily not hitting one of the holes in your. You got down from the ladder and walked over to him as he sat up. "I was hoping you wouldn't figure it out." he said sadly, ashamed of the very mention of his old title. (Y/N) just smiled and extended her hand out to help him up. "Hey, no biggy. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." she said calmly. The kind gesture took Romeo by surprise. "Your...not bothered by me?" he asked confused by her kindness. "Nah" was all she said as she helped him to his feet.

By mid day the walls and floors of place were finished and Romeo seemed a bit tired so (Y/N) offered to make him some lunch, allowing the two to take a break before moving on to the interior. During this time, Romeo decided to start a conversation. "Uh, (Y/N), why aren't you worried about me being the Admin?" he asked. Awkward way but she just answered plainly "Ever heard of a guy named Aiden from Sky City?" she asked. Romeo shrugged. "Yeah, but what does that have to do with this?" "He's my twin brother, so I guess because of what happened, I don't mind having you around." she said, remembering some of the thoughts she had. "Wait, YOU'RE Aiden's sister?" he asked. The tone of his voice a bit suspicious."You know him?" (Y/N) asked. "I hang out with him when I'm doing deliveries to Sky City, er...ground City...whatever it's called." He fumbled over his words. "But he's not gonna be there for long. From what he's told me he's moving to BeaconTown in a few weeks."

In a few short days after the house was fixed and Nohr was sued for the damage done, (Y/N) and Romeo actually became good friends. She would provide a place for him to go to when he needed a break from community service, his multiple jobs and everything he's doing to redeem himself. In return, he would help her and Aiden send letters to each other. Seeing as he knows both the twins and they're both his friends, he decided to help them communicate until the two reunite in BeaconTown. Romeo also asked (Y/N) about some of her awkward childhood moments which she was surprised he knew about. It took her a short while to realize Aiden must have told him, so she decided to get even by telling Romeo some of Aiden's embarrassing stories. She could only imagine his face when Romeo asked about the accidental salt incident in their dad's coffee one day and how Aiden tried to get out of the situation. She chuckled thinking how mad he'd be. She might be in trouble when he makes it to BeaconTown, but it's worth it. She still couldn't believe she was actually going to see her brother again.

After about a month, well almost a month anyway, (Y/N) was working on a painting in her art room when she heard a knock at her door. Eagerly she set her tools down and took off her apron. "Be there in a minute!" she yelled as loud as she could. Before walking to the door. As she opened it, Romeo stood there, this time he had an extra piece of clothing, a black track jacket with red trimmings. "Hey (Y/N)!" "Hi Romeo!" you two exchange greetings and a fist bump. "You'll never guess who I bumped into today." Romeo said, stepping aside and gesturing to another person behind him. (Y/N) could not believe her eyes, it was a male who had the same brown hair and green eyes like her. If that wasn't enough, the male literally smiled as he softly said "Hey sis."

"Aiden!" (Y/N) exclaimed, running up to her brother and throwing her arms around him. She couldn't believe it was actually him, her brother that she lost to his envy of Jesse was now returned to normal. It took the former Blaze Rod Leader by surprise that his sister missed him, but that didn't stop him from returning the comfortable hug.

"No you're not!" (Y/N) yelled from her side of the table "Yeah I am!" Aiden retorted from the other side. "We're twins Aiden!" Oh dear, here we go again. Thanks to a comment from Aiden, it came up again, a common argument between twins, triplets and whatnot. "Yeah but I'm still older than you!" Aiden remarked. "Only by five freaking minutes!" Yes, that argument, all while Romeo was over there by the table next to Aiden, eating a cookie while the twins continued. The conversation thankfully came to an end.

(Y/N) got up to go get something from her room. Aiden looked to Romeo and gave him a blank stare. This made the red haired male a little uncomfortable as he finished his cookie. "What?" he asked. Giving Aiden a clear signal that he had his full attention for him to ask "Do you have a thing for my sister or what?"

A/N: Let me know if you guys want part 2

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