(Oneshot) Dance

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You sat by yourself at the dance party. Everyone else was busy getting it down on it where the DJ was. People gathered from all over the place, and it wasn't just anywhere too. It was at BeaconTown's own Hanging Gardens. See, someone took over the place and built this giant tower that used to serve as a base of operations before he was defeated. Shortly after that, you petitioned to your town leader Jesse to turn it into a floating Garden full of colour. He really liked your idea and you got to help. Now everyone was celebrating the grand opening of it but even though you played a part in this, you didn't have much fun. You weren't really much of a people person. You just preferred to hang with people closest to you, and the person closest to you obviously wasn't here, or so you though.

"Hey (Y/N)." A familiar voice called from behind you. Turning around, you came face to face with the last person you expected to see here. "Oh, hey Romeo!" You greeted as Mr. Former Evil Overlord himself walked to take the empty seat by your table. No one was sitting there so he wasn't stealing it. You were skeptical of The Admin himself at first but after a bit of investigating, you grew fond of him. You occasionally went with some folks to deliver supplies to the folks of Fred's keep, you met him there with a few others. You were stuck with him a few times but now you guys are quite close, heck you actually have a crush on him. But you're not sure if you should tell him that. Anyway, here he is, dressed neatly in a black suit. You've never really seen him in this kind of outfit before, you have to admit, it's actually really handsome. You had to hold back a bit of blush as you took in his appearance. "You look good, you do something with your hair?" You ask casually, making him chuckle lightly. "Yes, yes I did. Glad you noticed." His response made you snicker. He did look different above as well, usually he has a good head of red fluff, but now it seemes smoother, softer, like you could touch it.

"What are you doing here?" You asked curiously. Romeo only shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, the thrill I guess. Plus I wanted to see what you've done with the place. It looks really cool." His little speech made you smile. "Thanks. I'm glad Jesse signed my petition. I can't wait to see how many people come here after this. Tourists, locals looking to get out or get a great view, maybe even people on dates. I know this would be a pretty romantic spot."

"Why? Thinking of taking someone here?"

You went red in the face at his comment. "What's that supposed to mean?" His only response was another chuckle followed by... "Nothing, but you know, you're awfully cute when you blush." This only made it worse. "Ar...are you flirting with me?"


"Not helping."

Romeo gave a half guilty and half shameless face as you glared at him with beet red cheeks. You sighed as he caught your attention again. "Hey, (Y/N)... you look lovely tonight." The red stopped fading as it settles to a rosey colour. "Thanks." You didn't doll yourself up exactly, but you did want to look your best. You went for a somewhat puffy red dress like something from a Princess's second Diary. You added a pair of darker red gloves and a pair of crimson stilettos. You didn't do too much with your make up, just some basic natural foundation and some lipstick.

Silence passed for a while until the speakers played the next song.

You turned to Romeo who didn't seem to take his eyes off you. In fact, he seemed like he had something planned. "What are you up to?" You ask him, taking note of a strange look on his face.
He got up from his seat and walked over to your end. "May I have this dance?" His voice seemed calm, collected, but at the same time longing, inviting. You couldn't say you don't dance, you're familiar with waltzing and a few other moves, but something else was preventing you from saying no. Something inside of you, was pushing you to say yes. Cheeks colouring again, you carefully took his hand. "Of course."

As he led you mid-way you began to twirl in the small space. It wasn't exactly too close to the dance floor, but it was spacious enough. The small waltz evolved to a bit more of a freestyle as you guys picked up the pace a bit, improvizing. You seemed distant minded, trying to focus on your balance. It was awkward in this position, his hand holding your waist as you moved around. "(Y/N)..." His voice called to you. You looked up into his dark eyes, enchanting you. "You mentioned you wanted people to come on dates up here as well." You nodded, noticing a twinkle in his eye. "When I asked if you wanted to come here with someone in that manner..." His smile started to quiver as his own cheeks started to turn red. "I was wondering if... I could be that someone." You're pretty sure that if you were drinking something, you'd spew your drink. "Wha? You mean..." You looked at him, flustered once again, but this time there was a strange wonder in your eyes. Was he asking what you think he was asking? "(Y/N), will you go out with me?" You heart started to flutter, you had to be dreaming. But, were you? Something told you that you were perfectly awake, and even so you'd never want to wake up. "You know, I've actually been dying to hear you ask me that." You smile as you felt the warmth in his glance. "Just as I've been dying to say yes." Words couldn't describe how happy he looked. But as you two moved to the dance floor, your little duet becoming more wild, making you feel weightless, you knew one thing, you couldn't be happier.

 But as you two moved to the dance floor, your little duet becoming more wild, making you feel weightless, you knew one thing, you couldn't be happier

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