(Oneshot) Cuddle me to sleep

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Note: Reader is once again an admin from the group, without her powers.

Insomniac! Romeo x Reader.

Your P.O.V

Xara and I were staring at Romeo...he didn't look too good, heck he looks like Xara when she was in that Sunshine institute. We both know what's going on...he's suffering from lack of sleep, but why? 2 weeks ago I woke up to find him sitting by the table, either snacking on something or reading. This has been going on for a while. Xara and I tried everything to get him to sleep. Soothing tea, a softer sheet, comfy PJs. Heck we even tried to do the things people do to kids to make them go to sleep, reed him a book, sing a lullaby, give him a plushie...nothing is working. We've have even tried talking to him. He just insists he's fine...I'm concerned about him.

Later when we were all dressed in our pajamas, Xara and I were sitting reading or eating when I noticed Romeo dressed in his soft satin pajamas, going to his room. He stood by the door looking plainly, until his expression turned to shock. He shook his head, then opened the door and went inside. I finished up the apple I was eating and turned to Xara. "Hey Xara?" I asked her, making her look up from her book. "I'm going to go talk to Romeo again. Just thought I'd let you know." I said. "Alright (Y/N)." Xara said calmly. I walked up from my chair and walked upstairs to Romeo's door, knocking lightly. "Come in." I heard him say.

Romeo's P.O.V

I sat on my bed, thinking, how can I sleep. I'm bloody exhausted but I just can't bring myself to sleep, I've tried to sleep multiple times but...there end up being complications. (Y/N) and Xara have even tried to help by making me feel comfort, I just wish they didn't need to do all the kiddie stuff, then again it does at least feel nice to hug that teddy bear. I just want to sleep, I never complained about it as an Admin because it was optional, but now, it just hurts. Then I hear a knock at the door. "Come in." I say quietly.

(Y/N) walks into my room, dressed in a set of pink bunny pajamas with white trim. There was a white rabbit face on the top. She sat down right next to me on my bed. "Romeo, please, why aren't you getting any sleep?" She asked. I just hang my head down and sigh before giving a shrug. She then positioned herself to directly face me and then grabbed my shoulders to turn me to her. "Romeo just talk, I'm tired of seeing you like this." She insisted. She seemed determined to get me to talk. I did my best to look away but she's persistent. "I hate seeing you in pain, Xara hates seeing you like this and I bet HE'D hate to see you like this too." she said. I knew exactly who she was talking about. Of course he wouldn't, he just wants us all to be happy...but..."That's just it." I said loudly. "I hate FEELING like this. But everytime I close my eyes, all I see is myself with those horrible memories...of me hurting everyone...of me hurting you." I start feeling tears begin to emerge out of my eyes. "I'm tired (Y/N)..." I admitted to her. "...tired of this pain, physically and mentally, I'm tired of these nightmares and hallucinations of the past and I'm tired of having to remember the time...the time I lost you...you and Xara are both the only people I've got left but I care about yo so much...you were important to me (Y/N), more than you'd imagine. I can't bare to lose you again...I...I...lo..." I couldn't finish my own sentence as I end up crying like a helpless child, while getting a headache from thinking about these images.

I felt (Y/N)'s arms wrap around me slowly, leaning on me for a hug. "Stop with the self pity...it just makes it worse." She said calmly, slowly rubbing my back. "In those event, I lost you too. Now that I have you back, I'm not letting you go through any more suffering. I care about you a lot too, all those years ago, I actually had feelings for you, heck I still do. And I will stand by you, not daring to let you go, I don't want the past to come back to us either." All those words, spoke to me like nothing did before. She calmly kissed my forehead before pulling me into another hug. Tears still streaming down my face, my head still in pain, only I was more willing to control my breathing as I began to wrap my arms around her, embracing her. Trying to hug her more tightly, not wanting to let go.

Your P.O.V

The next morning, I woke up to an arm around my waist and awkwardly enough, a leg own leg. I slowly open my eyes to reveal Romeo fast asleep, he looked a lot better now. He seems so calm when asleep. I slowly and carefully reached out and moved a piece of his fluffy hair out of his face and carefully cuddled up close to him. I place a hand on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat.

I heard the door open slowly. I poked my head out to see Xara. The moment she caught sight of me I put a finger to my lips, mouthing her to shush. She stood for a minute before putting her hands up and walking calmly out. I decided to lie back down and continue cuddling Romeo, at least until he wakes up.

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