Chapter 13- Thank You

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AN: I am so sorry that it took so long to update!! I will try to be more on top of it!! Enjoy the chapter!

Madame stared at me, growing taller with every minute she looked down.

"You betrayed us. Now you must pay!" She yelled, coming to step on me before blood started to come through her white button up.

She fell over, suddenly normal sized, and lay on the ground.

"You killed me. I am the one who raised you, who took you in. And you murdered me. You murdered your mother."

I startled awake, sitting up quickly with my fists raised.

Looking around the glass cage, I once again remembered where I was.

Noticing that they had blacked out the glass, I started to realize how small this cage was.

The walls seemed to press in, and I realized this was worse than before.

Before I was treated like a glorious weapon.

Now I was being caged like a lethal animal.

I was wrong to come here.

Standing up, I walked over to the door, staring at the lock that held it in place.

The door would slide after the proper combination was put into the board, which would send an electronic signal to the door.

Reaching out, I grabbed onto the metal panel, ripping it off.

The metal felt so light with my heightened strength, so it came off without too much trouble.

Crouching down, I glanced at the wires, checking where they all were going.

It didn't take too long to find the one that connected to the lock, and with a slight amount of wiggling, I simulated the electronic pulse and the door came open.

Jumping up, I started to walk out, when I heard a monotone female voice call out, "sir, the protective container has been opened without your authorization."

They knew I was out.

Grabbing the backpack off of the floor, I ran for where I saw the nearest stairwell, running down the stairs very quickly.

I could hear others going down the stairs, and darted through the nearest door, soon popping into an office floor.

There weren't too many people that noticed me from their cubicals, and I noticed a duffle bag sitting just outside of an empty one.

Grabbing it on my way past, I opened it as I went into a different stairwell, looking at what was inside.

A pair of leggings, a hoodie, a pair of running shoes, and a set of glasses.

Listening carefully, I didn't hear anyone coming down, so I quickly changed into the outfit, knowing that it would help me blend in better.

I tossed the smaller backpack into the duffle, knowing that two bags would make me stand out more.

Pulling my hair down to be loose around my face, I went back to jogging down the stairs, the duffle looped over my shoulder.

The glasses fogged my vision slightly, and the shoes were a little too large, but it was all working.

It was easy to spot all of his cameras, so I managed to keep my back to them at all times, not letting them known my location.

I was out of Stark Tower and on the street soon enough, getting swallowed by the large crowd of the morning.

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