Chapter 21- I Know Where We Need to Go

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I got up two days later, starting to get ready for school.

Walking over to my closet, I glanced around, looking for something different.

Quickly picking something out, I got dressed, glancing at how it looked.

Nodding, I stepped out, grabbing my school bag and phone

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Nodding, I stepped out, grabbing my school bag and phone.

"Headed to school?" Pepper asked as I stepped into the kitchen, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I am just grabbing an apple first," I replied, and she nodded.

"Drive safe kiddo," Tony said, coming into the kitchen.

"Will do," I replied, before grabbing my apple and walking to the elevator.

Once I got down to the garage, I sent Peter a quick text, saying that I was on my way.

Pulling out of the large garage, I quickly went onto the main road, cars all around.

I hadn't seen Peter since our kiss, and I felt a little bit nervous about seeing him.

I could kill people without even thinking about it, but I got nervous about a boy I kissed.

How pathetic.

Pulling up to Peter's apartment building, I saw him waiting, and getting a big smile when he saw me.

He came into the car, the smile staying.

"Hey Annika," he said, situating himself.

"Hello Peter. How are you doing?" I asked, pulling back out onto the street.

"I'm doing pretty good. What about you?" He asked, and I glanced over, smiling at him softly.

"I am doing good," I replied, and he started to fidget, his heart rate racing.

"What is wrong Peter?" I asked, glancing over in concern.

"You are too good at that," he said, and I chuckled.

"You can hear incredibly well too Peter. You just need some training. Now, what is wrong?" 

"I just, well I, it's uh," he stuttered, and I waited.

"Are we, are we going to talk about the kiss?" He asked, finally getting up the courage.

It made me pause, a smile settling on my face.

"What do you want to talk about pertaining to it?" I asked, pulling into the school parking lot.

I unbuckled, waiting for his response.

"What did it mean to you? Was it just a kiss, or, was it more to you?" He asked, and I turned to him.

"You know how I feel about you Peter," I said, a little confused on why he was asking.

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