Chapter 2- Easier Than I Thought

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The rough plane suddenly jolted me awake, but I did not know that's what had woken me

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The rough plane suddenly jolted me awake, but I did not know that's what had woken me.

Before I could open my eyes my gun was out and aimed, glancing around the small plane to see what had woken me.

I had jumped out of my seat, now crouched on the floor.

Galina stared at me in shock, raising her hands quickly.

"We are just having some turbulence, you should get back into your seat. We are almost there." She said carefully, looking at me with fear in her eyes.

"Why did they give me such an incompetent agent. You are much too weak to be an agent." I snapped, putting my gun back away, and sitting down.

"They sent me because I am their tech person. I have new equipment for you to use, and to try out for other agents. If my technology can survive you, it can survive anyone." She quickly explained, and I nodded.

"Galina, have you ever killed someone before?" I asked her, holding her in my firm gaze.

"No. I haven't. I couldn't begin to do that." She said with horror, staring at me.

I don't know how much she knows about me just yet.

"The first time I killed someone, I was five years old. You need to be stronger to work with me." I said with distaste.

"Five, years, old?" She asked, horror on her middle aged face.

"Yes. And you will be next if you ask questions. You are expendable." I replied, and her mouth quickly shut.

"We are getting ready to land. Get yourselves ready." Called the male pilot, and I sat my back flat against the seat, ignoring the woman.

The plane bounced, something that was uncomfortable, but not abnormal to me.

I had been on my fair share of planes.

The first time, I was six.

I was on my way to somewhere in Mongolia, and Madame was sat with me in the plane.

"Now, do you know what you have to do Annika?" She asked, her hard, grey eyes bearing into my soul.

"Yes. I tell this man," I pointed to the picture on my lap, " that my sister is hurt, and he has to help me. I then lead him behind the shed, shooting him. Even with the silencer, people may hear the shot, and I have to get back to the plane as quick as I can, with no one following me." I recited to her, and her cruel smile appeared.

"Good girl," she responded, and the plane bounced around as it made its rough landing.

"Идти." She commanded, and I was off.

My short legs ran through the thick forest, making my way to the work camp.


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