Chapter 5- Thank You Peter

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I walked into the sparring courtyard, lining up with the girls two years older than me

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I walked into the sparring courtyard, lining up with the girls two years older than me.

Madame watched from the side, pairing us up for the fight.

The nine year old girls looked nervous, they could feel that today would be different from other days.

I got paired with a girl named Lada, a bright girl, with the brightest blue eyes you ever saw.

She was kind, something that was usually beaten out of girls after only a year here.

She always made sure that I was alright after a hard day, quietly caring for me.

I knew it was wrong, but I had started to care for her too.

She was like the sister I had never had.

I stood across from her on the cobblestone, no weapons but our bodies.

"Start," Madame stated, and everyone started to attack their opponent.

I jumped into action, quickly kicking Lada.

She flinched at the hard blow, before making a move to punch my face.

I grabbed her hand, using her momentum to throw her over my shoulder.

Jumping onto her, I wrapped my hands around her neck, squeezing the life out of her.

I waited for Madame to tell me to stop, but she didn't, and soon Lada was limp, dead underneath me.

The other girls watched me, they had been called off, but I had to kill her.

I saw that her beautiful blue eyes were wide open, staring at me.

I stood up, my back straight, and facing Madame.

"Lada, made a friendship with miss Annika. Friends are not tolerated. Learn from your classmate's mistake." She said, before stalking off in her high heels.

I woke up, feeling the cold metal of the handcuffs around my wrists.

I wasn't able to sleep without it, and attached them to the bed frame, still sleeping on the floor.

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