Chapter 18- Movie Night

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AN: Alright everyone. I am so sorry that it took so long to update. I have had a severe case of writers block. However, I have watched as the reads steadily went up, although with votes, and I want to thank you. It really is incredible. If I don't update in the next day or so, have a wonderful Christmas everyone.

I twirled in formation with the other girls, steps perfectly in sync as we worked.

Madame looked at us with her usual frown, glaring at anyone who dared look at her for too long.

"Jump!" She yelled, and all of us went into the movement.

My ankle gave out when I was coming down, and I fell to the feet of the other girls.

"Annika! Come with me!" She yelled, and I stood up quickly, listening to what she said.

As we stepped through the door of the studio, we ended up in a solid concrete room.

I saw the Winter Soldier sitting inside, and glaring at me.

"Teach her pain, but do not kill her," Madame said to him, and he nodded.

She shut the door, and I could feel the fear growing, and started to pound on the door.

"NO!" I screamed, as his metal arm hit my ribs.

He hit me to the floor, and wasn't stopping, even as I could see the blood trickling around me.

"No!" I screamed, pushing the Winter Soldier off of me with my legs.

I wouldn't allow him to hurt me anymore.

My handcuffs broke as I snapped my arms out, and I jumped to where he was on the floor, putting my hands around his neck.

"I am done being afraid," I told him, as his face turned red.

He kicked me off, and my back hit a mirror, shattering it around me.

The Winter Soldier jumped over, pinning my arms and legs.

"Annika breath. That was a dream. You are safe now," he said softly, and I glanced around, confused at my surroundings for a moment.

I glanced at the bed I was just on, the remains of the chain connecting the handcuffs broken across it.

It had been the only way I could sleep in that bed.

Looking back up at Bucky, I saw the marks of where my hands had been on his neck, and quickly glanced away.

"I'm sorry Bucky," I said softly, and he got off, moving to sit on the floor a little ways away.

"Not your fault kid. Although, I think maybe I should apologize too," he replied, looking at me with pity.

I had been sleeping in a tank top and shorts, so the glass that had shattered cut into me.

My wrists had started to bleed from the impact of breaking the handcuffs, and I pulled my knees up to my chest.

"What happened?" Asked Tony, getting to the door that was wide open.

"I heard screaming, which with multiple ex-assassins is not uncommon but this scene is however." He said, looking between the two of us.

"She was having a nightmare, and I came to wake her up. However, when she woke up she attacked me. I never expected that I would have been her nightmare," he said, and I lowered my head, not wanting to meet their eyes.

"Well come on, lets get you guys doctored up."


I walked into the school, wearing a hoodie and skinny jeans, covering up most of the cuts from earlier.

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