Chapter 23- The Ship

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AN: I am willing to bet, that if you are reading a Black Widow Fanfiction, you have seen the new movie. Not much is going to change in terms of what happened until they are on the Black Widow base ship. So, instead of boring you with story that you already know, we'll just skip that part.

Peter's POV:

[Eight hours after the shooting]

She left me.


Her and Miss. Romanoff were both gone, most likely to find where the Red Room was still operating.

"Did she tell you anything about where they might be going?" Tony asked again, looking at me carefully.

"No, and the guy she was talking to killed himself. He must have said something, something about where something was," I replied, glancing around the room.

"She had to make a call, I'm guessing to Miss Romanoff. Is there any chance that FRIDAY recorded that call?" I asked quickly, the idea hitting me.

"I record all calls, in case there is something important said," she piped up, and Tony grinned.

"Smart thinking kid. FRIDAY play that message for us," he said, as the other Avengers sat patiently waiting.

"I know where we need to go," her voice filled the room, and I couldn't help but feel hurt that she once again left without me.

"Budapest. There is a mission there, we should be able to get answers." She said, before hanging up.

"I will get a plane ready. Remember, if something goes wrong on their mission, we might be up against a lot," Tony said, and Bucky stepped forward.

"Are you sure we should bring the kid?"

"Mr. Bucky sir, I am pretty strong, and I know Annika the best out of anybody. I will be okay," I said, and he nodded, everyone gathering their weapons.

"We will be hours behind them. We will do some back tracking, but we should be able to find them."

Bucky, Barton, Steve and Tony all went, the others deciding to stay behind.

After being on the plane for hours (apparently Bucky did not know how to play go fish), we landed outside of Budepest.

Everyone was dressed pretty normally, mostly just to find out where to start looking.

"Nat had an apartment here, I am going to start by checking there," Clint said, and I jumped up.

"Can I come with you?" I asked, and he chuckled, but nodded.

"Yeah sure kid. Let's get going," he said, flagging down a taxi.

Once we were in, there was slight awkward silence, which was very heavy.

"What was she like? When you first met her?" I asked him, and he glanced over at me.

"A shell. It was like she wasn't really a person at all. She had blocked out feelings for a long time," he said, looking down at his lap.

"Do you think, do you think it's wrong of me to have feelings for Annika? Do you think it's too much pressure?" I blurted, and he looked over at me carefully.

"It is not wrong of you. She is someone who has never experienced what love is, of any form. She's starting to learn. As long as you give her the time, give her the space, then no. It's not wrong."

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