Chapter 6- The Party

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Annika's POV:

The rest of the week I spent time doing homework with Peter, and gaining his trust a bit.

For the plan to work, he had to be with me outside of school, and trust me enough to show me his secret identity as Spider-Man.

Continuously he showed me how trusting he was, letting me into his apartment and room.

However, something I had noticed was that the hairs on the back of his neck would stand up whenever they were around me, and he would mutter something about his spider senses.

Perhaps he could detect that I wasn't who I said I was.

Either way, he wasn't letting that change his ability to trust me.

It didn't take long to get to school, Peter and I chatting a little bit along the way.

We were almost there, when he asked me a surprising question.

"So, have you ever been in love?" He asked, and the words I had been trained for years came out of my mouth.

"Love is for children," I replied, hearing the echo of Madame saying those same words to me.

"That is a little harsh don't you think? I mean, you can love your parents, or even your friends. Just because some people don't have good luck with it doesn't mean its not real, or something we only believe when we are kids," he rambled, before his cheeks reddened.

"Perhaps," I replied, before we entered the busy school.

Kids barely looked at us as we walked in, regardless of the fact that we are two of the most dangerous people in this school.

Although they didn't know that.

Bailey came running up with her grin, which I tried to return.

Being a regular teenage girl was such a challenge.

Very different from anything I had done before.

"Hey Anna! How are you doing today?" She asked, and I was learning that she didn't seem able to frown.

"I am alright. How are you doing?" I replied, and she smiled.

"I am doing good too," she said, linking our arms as we walked to my locker.

"Are you excited for my party tonight?" She asked, and I blushed.

"Yeah, but I'm a little nervous. I don't think I have anything to wear," I replied, and she grinned, understanding.

"Well thats okay! You can borrow something of mine. Are you excited Peter?" She asked, and he nodded.

"I think so. Its nice to shake things up a bit," he replied, and she nodded.

"I totally agree. Is Ned coming?" She asked, as he was not there yet.

"He is planning to. He will take any excuse to wear his nice hat," Peter replied with a chuckle, and Bailey grinned.

"Of course he does. Well, we should probably get to class. See you later Peter!"


I went home with Bailey that night, helping her get the house ready for guests.

Everything was clean, but everything that was breakable was also hidden, as if it was going to be very rowdy.

"I am so excited that your first party gets to be with me. Have you drank before?" She asked, and I looked at her questioningly.

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