Chapter 25- Thank You For Showing Me

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"Here in Wakanda as you might know, we have the female warriors called the Dora Milaje. You can see them training down below," Shuri explained as we walked outside, going past the great warriors.

The strength of these women was unparalleled, before affecting many of my missions.

Since the serum, the difference in strength would perhaps have switched.

"Not only are they some of the strongest warriors, but much of their training is based within meditation, and having control over one's self," she continued, before walking up to one.

"Hello Okoye," she said, looking almost dwarfed next to the tall woman.

She radiated confidence, and I could feel her analytical gaze on me.

"Which lost soul is this Shuri?" Okoye asked, not taking her eyes off of me.

I recognized her, getting a flash of a memory.

She was much younger than, most likely on one of her first missions, somewhere in Northern Africa.

The person who hired me wanted to take someone out, someone who the Dora wanted to protect.

I learned that day that they were much stronger than me, however I never failed a mission.

Even if I came back with broken bones.

"You are saying you do not remember?" I replied calmly, the first words I had spoken in a while.

"I remember someone with your face, however that was years ago," she replied, continuing to hold that uncanny eye contact.

"My name is Annika Maria Stark. I was previously owned by the Black Widow as well as Winter Soldier programs."

She kept the eye contact, but I saw the gaze soften a little.

"They froze you then. Same as James," she said, some of her other warriors coming over around us.

I nodded, thinking of how different these warriors were.

They were trained to protect, to maintain and save.

I was simply there to kill.

"You are welcomed here as a warrior. One who has seen more horrific things than any one person should bear." The woman all bowed their heads to me, along with Shuri.

"I am no warrior. I am not like you. I do not deserve your respect," the whisper came out as I choked quietly, struggling for once to contain my emotions.

"Little one, you were taught the wrong way is all. That was not your fault. What did you do once you had your own choice?" Okoye asked, her hand softly coming under my chin to raise my gaze.

"I,I, I protected the people who showed me kindness," stuttering for one of the first times, she smiled.

"A protector. Just like us. Come, train with us," she said, the women moving back into their positions.

They all had their shoes off, so I quickly slipped mine off as well, picking up one of their sticks.

Okoye lead us through a series of exercises, never once having us practice against each other.

Once everyone was thoroughly sweaty in the hot sun, she called the practice.

"Good work today Annika. I will see you tomorrow," she said, before pausing.

"You move surprisingly well for someone who broke their femur," she said, watching me closely.

"That's what happens when The Red Room doesn't care about pain. They can set the bones perfectly. And getting frozen gives the body time to heal up with minimal movement."

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