48) Live Bait

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Tweak's POV: I was in pain; that fact I couldn't deny any longer. But when Fiona called on Cera's radio, I knew I would have to be strong. Right now, strength and the safety of my friends were the same thing, and my friends' safety? That was undeniably the most important thing right now. Cera was advancing on me, and I gave her a steely glare. I had to be stronger then I ever had to. My friends' lives, knowing these people, depended on it.

The white fox sent another kick to my wound, but this time, I didn't cry out. I couldn't cry out. It was as if my lips were glued together. Cera's eyes widened slightly, as close as she ever got to being surprised. "Shutting up now, are we?" she teased before sending a left hook to my jaw. Pain cried out in my mind, but I didn't. I was strong. I recalled one line from my father's mantra. Never show pain. I definitely couldn't show pain now.

Cera kicked me once again in my ribs and I couldn't help a cry of pain that left me along with all my breath.

"Tweak!" A voice was broadcasted over the radio and I suddenly remember that my friends can hear every word, every scream. My eyes widened.

"Kwazii! Don't - come! It's - a trap! The others - are waiting!" I shouted, hoping my words could be made out over my panicked breathing. Cera growled again. "I think you'll come right now, or I kill your little girlfriend, Kwazii Cat," she hisses, putting me in a chokehold. "You may have shown me moderate kindness in the past, but you are nothing compared to my friends."

Spots danced in my vision. I had to protect Kwazii. He couldn't come for me. "Don't come..." I managed before Cera hit me in the face, effectively shutting me up. "Don't...come..."


Damien's POV: Fiona smiled cruelly as she ended the transmission.

"I'll go set up our trap," Lupo said, walking off down the tunnel that led to the control room. Fiona brushed her hair back from her face, wiping some of the encrusted blood off her cheek that was from one of her Victims.

"How are you doing with them, my angel?" I asked, caressing her cheek gently. Now that we're setting up the trap for Kwazii and Kate's practically useless, I felt I should spend some time with my fiancée, since she was heavily pregnant now. There couldn't be long to go now.

Fiona followed my gaze and led my hand to her swollen belly. "Nearly there, little villain," she murmured, her voice softer and more girlish than I had ever heard before from the tough cruel wolf.

"He will be our son," I said proudly. Fiona met my eyes.

"Our son. The super-villain."


Shellington's POV: Ignoring the pain in my shoulder, I raced down the hallway, passing cell after cell, unable to stop thinking about how bad Kate had looked, what could be happening to Dashi and Tweak right now. I was running from my thoughts and fears as well as toward my friends.

Eventually, I saw Kwazii standing in front of a cell. He must've been the first to escape. He had to be talking with the other Octonauts. But the unmistakable look in his eyes told me all I needed to know. Kate was not with him. I know that if he had the chance, he would have helped her.

As soon as I raced through the doorway, I pressed the button for the cell on the shackle opener, and there was a loud click. The Captain fell from the shackles attaching him to the wall, immediately went over to Selene and met her with a kiss. I looked away, respecting the couple, and my eyes met her.


I smiled widely. "Shellington..." Kwazii said, almost as if to warn me about something.

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