54) Breaking Bonds and Lies

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Kate's POV: When Damien said those six words, I could feel my world crashing down around me. I backed up into a wall, a look of utter shock plastered on my face. "No..." I just managed to get out. "Liar! You're lying!" I shouted, feeling tears streaming down my face. But I didn't think he was. Could everything be a lie? Was Kwazii really my brother? Did Peso really love me? What other things have I been blind to?

I felt my legs collapse under me from overwhelming emotions. Damien was laughing too hard to even notice me by now. Laughing! I felt sick. I sobbed silently. He wouldn't see me cry. Not today. Not anymore. Even though I wanted to so badly. I felt Peso's comforting flipper on my shoulder, and I looked into his eyes, seeing a definite truth. He loved me.

"Kate..." he whispered. "Who are Maegan and Johnathan Cat?" He asked, seeming afraid yet determined to hear my answer. I couldn't look at him.

"My...my p-p-parents...." I whispered just loud enough to hear. Peso tensed at these words. The unspoken truth. If Damien killed my parents, and was still allowed to "take care" of me, Kwazii, Selene, and all the other orphans in Windfell, he never paid for his crimes. And that was sick.

Suddenly Damien's voice sounded out on the loud speaker. "Let them go. Let all the Victims go." I decided not to question why a message to let us go, something Damien would never order, was being broadcasted over the speaker when the Warden was laughing hysterically on the floor. I think he had finally cracked. Or gone completely mad. Instead, I pushed myself up and grabbed Peso'd flipper, and we ran, shouting to the others to follow us, taking advantage, tears still streaming down my face. My life was built on the foundation of a lie.


Kwazii's POV: She knew. Kate knew. That was the only thought in my mind as we left Damien laughing madly, no longer caring whether he killed us, whether we would suffer. He would want to later, but now he was consumed by the knowledge that he had broken us. Broken our spirits. He had killed our parents, tortured our friends. Poisoned and shot our loved ones. But he wouldn't break us. Not completely.

I sprinted away, seeing Shellington running after us, his face a mask. Dashi is somewhere, but I'm past caring about her now. Shellington can do that for me. He loves her. I hate that I'm having to think this, but I have to help my sister. And Tweak. I have to get to her.

I am no longer questioning the booming voice overhead. Damien' s gravelly tones tell them to stop, to let us go. Maybe it's a recording that Christian managed to find. I am past caring about that too. One thing's for sure, we're getting out of here. We're getting Tweak and getting out of here.

Kate has her hand intertwined with Peso's, her face streaming with tears. I have the feeling that he can help more than I can right now. Later I can help with the unity, the grief, the knowledge that we're alone together in this. But kind caring Peso, who I know loves her with all his heart and brought her back from the dead, is the best person to help her now. He will console, while I won't need words. He'll reassure her and bring out the loving side in her, while later I'll help rebuild her wall inside her mind. The wall that helped with the grief. I'll rebuild mine as well, bit by bit.

And I know, while Peso is with Kate, the only person I want to help me is Tweak.


Shellington's POV: I was just vaguely aware of what was going on around me. I saw Kate sitting down along a wall, tears streaming down her cheeks, seeming as though she had just broken. I saw Damien on the floor, laughing as though he had just made a hilarious joke.

"Well, looks like he's finally gone off the deep end..." I muttered. Lupo was far away by now, and I was just about to go after him when the loudspeaker message sounded. Why was Damien telling everyone to let the Victims go? I looked at his laughing form on the ground. He obviously hadn't heard his voice on the speaker. But I couldn't leave without Dashi, even this new version of her. The Dashi that didn't like me, the Dashi who didn't know who she was. I grabbed Tunip and ran towards Dashi, who was staring at Damien with a look of utter disgust on her face.

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