Chapter 33) Heading Out Again

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Selene's POV: Realization dawned on me moments before Peso said anything. Derek! Frantically, I searched the cavern for any sign of my son. But he was gone. Lupo had taken him, I had no doubt.

"If he dares hurt Derek..." I muttered, before I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder. I whirled my head around so fast, I almost got whiplash. Captain Barnacles was standing right behind me, a fire in his eyes I had never seen before. The fire of a loyal father.

"We'll find him Selene. On my honor as an Octonaut, we will get Derek back." He promised me. And I knew well enough that when Captain Barnacles made a promise, he kept it. One of the reasons I had fallen in love with him.

"Got it!" Dashi and Shellington said simultaneously. Everyone looked at them. "Lupo's in a clearing somewhere in the middle of the island, and he has Derek with him!" Shellington said rapidly.

Tweak managed to get to her feet. "Well, what are we waiting for? Lets go then!" She demanded.

Kate shook her head. "All of us going to Lupo together? Not a good idea. That's just what he would want, isn't it?" She pointed out, though she didn't sound completely sure.

Christian shrugged. "Who knows how Lupo thinks? But either way, you're right, Kate. It wouldn't be a good idea for all of us to go after him at once. I imagine that's what he would expect."

Kwazii grunted. "So what are you suggesting?" He asked.

I jumped in. "Christian, do you think we could manage to surround that clearing?"

Christian shrugged. "Definitely. But what's your plan?"

Captain Barnacles seemed to understand what I was getting at. "If we were to surround him, therefore cutting off any means of escape...."

Kate also understood. "We could force him to hand Derek back." She exclaimed happily.

Peso seemed a bit wary about this. "And if Lupo tries to fight?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Lupo may be a psychopath, but he's not an idiot. He won't try to fight." Everyone seemed satisfied with that.

Captain Barnacles nodded. "Alright, we have a plan. Now the only question is, who's going?


Eelean's POV: "Me!" several voices said at once. Kate, Selene and Tweak had spoken as one.

"Tweak you're hurt," Kwazii told the rabbit. She narrowed her eyes at him, fury crossing her face.

"I'm. Not. Weak."

"I didn't say you were weak," Kwazii protested. Barnacles cut in,, saying decisively. "Kate and Selene, you can go. Tweak, you'll stay here."

"I'm fed up of being treated like an invailid!" Tweak argued.

"Tweak you're staying here and that's that."

"I'd like to go too," said Dashi quietly. The Captain looked at her questioningly, but nodded. No one asked why.

"I'm going to take care of Kate!" Kwazii said decisively. Kate rolled her eyes at him but didn't complain. Secretly I thought she was glad that he had volunteered.

"I'm the only one who knows my way around this island," Christian said. The Captain was about to say something, but Peso got there first.

"Christian you're not travelling. You're hurt," Peso ordered, a hint of steel in his tone which I hadn't heard before. The raccoon said nothing, but I caught him glancing at Selene. I felt a rush of protectiveness for Christian and quickly said in English: "Me and the Vegimals can stay here and look after the injured. With Peso if that's all right? And Shellington to translate?"

The Octonauts shot me looks of surprise and I realised they didn't know I could speak English. I grinned and said in the Captain's voice: "Part jabber jay. Ask Shellington. Octonauts -"

Barnacles smiled at me. "Let's do this."


Kate's POV: The five of us were just about to head out, when someone grabbed my arm. I looked and saw Peso, a worried look in his eyes. "Kate, do you have to go?" He asked me.

I smiled. "Don't worry, Peso. I'll come back to you, alright? I wouldn't be going if I wasn't sure of that."

Peso didn't seem to convinced, but he nodded. "Alright, Kate. Just... be careful, okay? I giggled.

"I'm always careful!" I said in my best impersonation of my brother. Unfortunately, Kwazii heard as well.

"Hey!" He protested. I shrugged, then gave Peso a quick peck on the lips.

"I'll come back. I promise." I told my boyfriend.

The Captain, Selene, Kwazii, Dashi, and I started to head down one of the tunnels, the one that Christian had told us exited closest to Lupo's location. Kwazii walked besides me, and there was an awkward silence. "How did it happen?" He asked softly. "How did you get hit?"

I hesitated. "We found the Catacombs, Peso and I had just come to the conclusion that this island made you face your worst fears, he told me he was Thanatophobic, I silently promised myself that Peso at the very least would live to see the next day, the darts came after us, one was about to hit Peso, I pushed him out of the way, but it ended up hitting me instead." I said in one breath.

Kwazii stared at me for a while. "I don't find that hard to believe..." he muttered.

I chuckled. "And you wouldn't have done the same thing for Tweak?" I teased.

Kwazii chuckled. "Touche," he replied. We walked the rest of the way in silence, until we reached the sunlight.


Lupo's POV: I rubbed my wrists as I hurried along the dark corridors, attempting to get some feeling back in them. Unfortunately, with feeling also came pain - but I was no stranger to pain.

The control room was right in front of me. Not that idiot Christian's control room, he didn't even know about this one. I made my way to the screens and nimbly brought it back online, making sure I covered the monitor activity so I was untraceable. Eventually two screen flickered to life, each one with a face on it.

Bowing slightly to each one, I smiled. "Hello again, Damien. And Fiona too, I see."

The former snarled, but I didn't take it personally. The Warden wasn't one for pleasantries.

"Do you have the cats?" He asked. I smiled again.

"I have them in a trap they won't be able to resist. You will have them soon."

He chuckled cruelly. "That's the only reason I helped fund your little enterprise, Wolf. The promise of revenge on the cats."

"I know, Damien. You will have them very soon," I repeated.

The woman on the other screen smiled at me. "Which ones do I get? I would quite like the engineer. She got away from me shooting at her, and I never let them get away. Ever. And maybe that sea otter as well. That would be fun."

I nodded respectfully to her. "The rabbit is injured, a black widow bite. And the sea otter will be an easy target. You may have them. But I'm having Selene. And the Captain. And my dear cousin."

Damien chuckled again. "I would expect nothing less."

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