39) Revealing Past and A New Enemy

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Kwazii's POV: I was staring at my screaming sister in horror when Damien came in again. "Well, I see that Lupo's poison is working nicely!" He said in a cheerful tone.

I hissed. "You heal her right now, or so help me, when I get out of these shackles you are going to get it, Damien!" I yelled. I didn't care who heard me, didn't care what anyone would think.

"Oh, Kwazii, do you think that I'm actually scared of you?" He laughed.

I growled. "You should be. The two girls I care for most have poison of some kind running through their system, my friends have been in horrifying situations, and now, here I am, in this dungeon, watching my sister going through a world of horrifying memories, and I can't even be there to support her!" I shouted.

Damien chuckled cruelly. "Well, Kwazii Cat, I suppose since you won't be alive too much longer, I might as well come out. Your mother, Maegan, she was a beautiful woman. Many men fell in love with her, but only a few had the courage to tell her how they felt. I was one of them. She turned me down, ended up with that wimp, Johnathan. For thirteen years, I promised myself that the first chance I got, I would kill both of them. It was a stroke of luck when I saw their car across the street from the foster home I ran. I went over, fiddled with a few things, and left undetected. Next thing I knew, they were dead. I didn't know that Maegan and Johnathan had kids, though, but, I decided to take you in, and kill you on your sixteenth birthday. Well, you know the rest, I believe..." He finished, sneering.

My jaw had dropped.

I had always figured that there was more to the story of how my parents died.

But I had never expected that the reason would be because someone couldn't handle heartbreak!

"You're the reason they're dead!" I shouted. I couldn't help but feel the tears stream down my face. I was in front of my parents' murderer.


Eelean's POV: I watched in admiration as Christian brought the screens back online, moving faster than I had seen anyone move before. Only one person had typed that fast - Dashi. And from what Tunip had told me, she was adept at typing. It was part of her job!

"Eelean? I need you to help me bring the main drive back online," Christian told me. "This last step requires four hands. Can you do it?"

"I - I think so..." I said somewhat nervously. I wasn't great at computers.

Christian smiled. "You'll be fine. Just press down these two buttons at exactly the same time I do."

I positioned myself over the two buttons he had specified, waiting cautiously for his signal.

"One, two ... three."

All at once I felt our minds bonding, our consiousnesses binding together. I could see his thoughts, feel his emotions, feel his hands as if they were my own. Our eyes met and his widened ones showed that he was experiencing this same feeling. So it was perfectly timed when he pressed the buttons and I pressed them too. I felt my mind separating again as the screens flickered on around us.

"Whoa," Christian summed it up in one word.

"I know." I was speechless.

I heard him say: " I wish we could do it again."

"We can try!" I tell him excitedly.

"What? Try what?" Christian looked confused.

"Do it again. Like you just said."

"Eelean..." his voice is hesitant. "I didn't just say that. I thought it."

"Whoa." My eyes widened. "Did I just read your mind?!"


Tunip's POV: Once I realized that there was no ground, I stumbled backwards slightly. I didn't want to fall! But the Octonauts were in trouble. I looked around, trying to see if there was another way across. There wasn't. I motioned for the other Vegimals to come forward.

"Go back to Christian and Eelean, and explain what happened. I think they should know. I'll see if I can find the Octonauts." I ordered.

Barrot and Grouber looked like they wanted to protest, but I gave them a look, and they didn't. The two Vegimals nodded, and darted back the other way.

Taking a nervous gulp of air, I began to cross the bridge.


Fiona's POV: Looking at the monitors, I could see that Shellington and Peso were both awake now. Tweak seemed to be waking up too, though slowly. I had watched Lupo go and have his fun with his victims, I had watched and laughed at the fear and horror on the two Octonauts' faces. Damien was nowhere to be seen, but I was used to that. He wasn't exactly the most sociable person in the world.

"Are we ready?" a voice asked behind me. I turned and smiled at the face I saw.

"I thought you weren't coming."

The fox smiled, brushing back her white fringe that hung over one eye. "Sorry. It took me a while to find this place. It's deep underground and hanging over a chasm - you need directions."

"You found us."

"Are the Victims ready? Especially my Victim. Is she ready?"

"Unconscious. She's been poisoned by your giant black widow. She over-exerted herself and now she's got a fever."

"Oh yes. My black widow mutation. I was pleased with that."

"Ready to go in?" I asked. Cera smiled coldly.

"Oh yes. Definitely."

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