41) Blowing A Last Kiss

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Tunip's POV: My legs shaking, I began to cross the bridge that lay out before me, over the seemingly endless abyss. I looked around for any security cameras, but I didn't see any. It made sense, I guess. Who would be crazy enough to come here? Especially if they had even the slightest idea of what was happening on the other side of those thick metal walls?

Well, apparently I was. I couldn't help but wonder what must be wrong with me for doing this. For a second, I almost considered turning back. No, I thought. I can't turn back. At least get a good idea of what the place is like, Tunip. Then you can go back, and maybe get some help.

Finally, I was on the other side of the chasm, a pair of massive doors towering over me. I knew better then to go through the front doors. I had to find another entrance, somewhere....


Christian's POV: I stared at the female Vegimal in amazement. She just said exactly what I had been thinking. I decided to test it just in case and thought hard: 'I hope the Octonauts are all right.'

"I hope they are too," Eelean said sadly, but there was light in her eyes. To my incredible surprise I could hear her thoughts floating around there as well, the most prominent: "This is incredible."

"It certainly is," I say.

"You could hear that?" she asked. I hugged her on impulse, saying quietly: "Our bond must be really strong!"

Eelean suddenly stiffened and I let go of her quickly.

"C Christian... look at the screen!" she murmured.

I followed her gaze and my eyes widened in horror.

Because there, on the screen, I could see the Octonauts. All of them. Tweak Shellington and Peso must have been captured as well, meaning where were the Vegimals?

And the scenes on the screens was horrible.


Peso's POV: I was horrified when I heard that Damien had Kate and Kwazii, because I knew how he despised them. How he wanted to kill them. I strained against my chains. I had to help them.

Another agonized scream echoed through the halls. Fiona laughed. "I see that Lupo's poison is working well. What wonderful screams. They're music to my ears." She mused, a sadistic grin plastered on her face.

I blinked. "P-poison? You poisoned Kate?! I shouted, anger filling my body like air into a balloon.

Cera smiled. "Not us. Damien did. I walked past their cell on the way here. Her face was barely recognizable!" She announced cheerfully.

My eyes widened in horror. Oh Kate... Another cry of pain from Kate. At least she's still alive, I thought. "So, penguin..." Fiona smiled, holding a knife up to my face. "Do you want to blow your girlfriend one last kiss?" She asked, outlining my lips with the tip of the blade.

I shook my head. "It won't be a last kiss. We will see each other again." I muttered.

And that was a promise that I was going to keep.


Shellington's POV: The white fox came up behind Fiona, smiling. I was stunned. Cera knew these people? Somehow it didn't surprise me. Peso was yelling at Fiona, something about Kate and poison. Fiona was grinning and pulling her knife around his lips. And Cera was coming up next to Fiona, still smiling.

But she wasn't looking at me.

She was looking at Tweak.

"Do I have my Victim, Fiona?" she asked.

"Yes. They're ours to share, dear sister. But you can have the rabbit. I know you have - an agenda with her."


Cera wasn't taking any notice of me. She was going over to Tweak and inspecting her, taking out her own knife and using it to tilt Tweak's chin up to her. Tweak moaned gently.

"Oh you're not in great shape, are you?" Cera asked.

Tweak murmured something incomprehensible that I couldn't make out. Cera seemed to hear her though, as she turned to Fiona.

"Do we have the spare torture rooms?"

"Across the corridor," Fiona answered without looking around from Peso. Cera clicked her fingers and the shackles around Tweak instantly retracted into the wall, faster than I could see. The engineer fell to the floor, crying out despite herself. She lay there, shaking and hissing in pain.

"Time to take you out, Tweak," Cera said, smiling.

I couldn't take it. Tweak was one of my best friends and knowing how Cera hated her....

"Let her go! Let her go right now!" I yelled. Fiona turned again and snarled.

"If you don't want to have your handsome face carved into something new for your new girlfriend, shut up."

"New girlfriend?" I immediately thought. By this time Cera had got Tweak to her feet and was dragging her out of the room. She was too weak to resist. The fever was at its peak.

And I was left with Fiona and Peso.


Kwazii's POV: I dashed down the corridors, wincing each time I moved my left side. But that didn't matter. I had lost my eyepatch in the struggle with The Warden, But that wasn't important. Neither was the burning feeling in my side, which seemed to get worse every second. Kate was right. I had to free my friends. That was the top priority right now.

I passed cell after empty cell, glancing in each one for my friends, growing more hopeful yet desperate each time they were empty. Whether I hoped they were here or not, I wasn't sure.

Eventually, I was forced to slow down, the burning sensation in my side too painful. I risked a look back. There was no sign that Damien had followed me. Kate must be doing a good job distracting him. But to my despair, I noticed a trail of blood had followed me instead. I forced down an annoyed groan.

I turned around, and saw a sight that made me duck into an ajar doorway. I couldn't be seen by... wait, Cera?

That didn't make sense. Yet I couldn't say I was that surprised. I knew she was evil. She seemed to be dragging a weakened form, who was trying to resist, but with no luck. My eyes narrowed to get a better image, then widened as I recognized the form. I forced back a hiss, as I would be no help if I was heard. She had Tweak!


Lupo's POV: I couldn't stop smiling as I headed back to the control rooms, fingering the flame. It now contained all of Dashi's Octonaut memories in the swirling flames that had now turned a dark shade of pink. I assumed Dashi's favourite colour, or what used to be anyway. This was my favourite invention yet! Because it could change other things about the Victim too. Dashi, when not knowing the Octonauts or having grown as a person while in that life, could have gone a totally different direction in life. I was guessing that they would try to question her to see what she thought she had been doing for the last few years.

Because the best thing, the very best thing about this, was that it didn't just change memories.

It changed the past.

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