Chapter 15) An Ultimate Act Of Trust

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Peso' s POV: When I heard the ominous voice I squeaked, I couldnt help it. Then when he said about my thanatophobia... how did he know?? Kate was yelling at the voice now, obviously able to see more than I could in this darkness. Then I heard a whirring sound and seconds later I heard Kate gasp.

"Darts!" She yelled at me, and grabbed my hand. One shot past my ear narrowly missing me as we began to run deeper into the catacombs. Kate dropped suddenly and I feared she had been hit, but moments later she appeared next to me again.

"Rolled -" she gasped. "I've been shot at before, I know what to expect. Run!!"

And I did, as fast as my little flippers would carry me. Kate was fit, very fit, as she didn't seem to be losing breath too much. I was staggering now, as darts flew past me left right and above. I didn't pause to wonder what might be in the darts. Poison? Anaesthetic? I didn't particularly want to find out...


Kwazii's POV: I realized Tweak was crying silently. "Tweak, you're not a failure, matey." I said. "Things break. But they can be fixed. And if anyone can fix the radios, me hearty, it's you."

The green bunny looked up at me, her eyes filled with unfallen tears. " father...he would make me... make me build should have been enjoyable...but I didn't build... or enough...I was a failure...he would..." She trailed off. "No...failure is not an option. Failure was...never an option for me." She finished.

I looked at Tweak, my eyes wide. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I wasn't quite sure how to respond. I wasn't exactly the reassuring type. "I-I'm sorry, Tweak. I-I had no idea..." I sighed. "From what you've told me, and my own assumptions, me hearty, your father was as bad as Damien." I stated. I had never insulted anyone's parents before, and the words felt foreign o my tounge. But I meant them. They were 100% true.


Shellington' s POV: I looked down. I couldn't help it. I was focusing on the flight of the jabber jay when my gaze drifted and I saw how high it was....


Shellington clung onto the post, shaking. Laughing surrounded him, cutting into his heart. He dared to look down and the ground blurred and swam round his vision like an agitated fish. His eyes filled with tears and he couldn't see even if he had wanted to.

"Oh look at poor Smellington, he's crying! Aww... poor little baby, he doesn't like heights!" The leader yelled to the jeers of everyone around. Shellington gripped the post even tighter, looking down all that way and somehow unable to look away even through his terror. 

"It's only the climbing frame, Smellington! It's not too high for normal people - except you're not normal, are you Smelly?"

Shellington quivered and hid his head. Then he felt a tug at his ankle and nearly slipped off the perch he stood on. The person who had pulled him cackled as Shellington flailed his arms. The seven year old was terrified, he couldn't hide it.



Captain Barnacles POV: I had woken up, but I didn't open my eyes. I was hoping that everything that had happened was a dream, but it had all seemed too real. I didn't want to open my eyes and find that it had all actually happened.

Eventually, I opened my eyes, and groaned. I wasn't in my room on the Octopod like I had foolishly hoped. I was laying down on the forest floor, in a clearing with a big rock. Which meant... everything that had happened in what I had hoped was a dream... had actually happened.

"Selene..." I whispered. She really had sacrificed herself to Lupo to help the other Octonauts. I wanted to be angry at her for knocking me out, for giving herself to that psycho, but I just couldn't. Deep in my heart, I knew that if I could, I would have done the same thing. I was furious at Lupo, however. I would go after him. I would ensure that he paid for what he had done.

A whimpering distracted me from my thoughts. I looked toward the dock formation in the center of the clearing. After picking myself off the ground, I walked over to whatever was making the sound, and gasped. Hidden in a small alcove in the rocks, was Derek Wolf. An ultimate act of Selene's trust. She wasn't afraid of me anymore.

The small black wolf looked up at me with his wide amber eyes. "Dada?" He asked.

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