Chapter 17) Locked In A Lift With My Ex-Husband

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Selene' s POV: I followed the black wolf with dread and fear in my heart. I knew I had made the right decision to leave Derek with Captain Barnacles, Lupo in his state of mind would probably throw him off a cliff or something. 

"After you, my queen." Lupo bowed, gesturing to a lift built into the ground. I flashed him a look of disdain that I hoped was calm and emotionless instead what I was actually doing, panicking. I stepped into the small space and Lupo followed me in, an infuriating smirk on his face. The lift began to descend and I immediately thought 'an underground lair'. How apt.

"So Selene.." Lupo purred seductively. I snarled at him softly.

"Don't you dare. I came with you for one reason and one reason only, so you'd stop this. Stop hurting my friends."

"I don't think so. You're mine again."

"I am no one's property. No one owns me!" I hissed. Lupo grinned cruelly. 

"From the way you kissed that - captain, it didn't look like that to me, sweetheart."

"He respects me!" I yelled, fury taking over me

 Remind me never to get locked in a lift with my ex-husband. Luckily the lift doors slid open and I was straight out, trying to put as much distance as I could between me and that - idiot.

I saw a raccoon in the corner checking over a monitor and as he moved away my jaw dropped in horror. 

On the screen was pictures of all my friends.

And the worst thing is, they were going on live.


Eelean's POV: The other Vegimals and I were running through the tunnels, trying to put as much distance between us and that one chamber. Eventually, our run slowed down into a walk. I decided I wanted to get to know Tunip a little better. I thought he was really cute. "So, Tunip... what do you like to do?" I questioned.

Tunip seemed a bit surprised by the question, but he answered nonetheless. "My brothers and I like to cook, and garden, and help out the Octonauts in anyway they can."

I was a bit confused. "The Octonauts? Were those the people that were on the screens?" I asked.

Tunip nodded. "They're all really great people. Part of our family, even though they're not Vegimals and don't speak Vegimalese. Well, actually, Kate has picked up a phrase or two, and Shellington can understand Vegimalese. He's the one that found us as eggs. I just hope they're alright." He replied wistfully. Family.

"I never had a family before." I admitted.

Tunip stopped and looked at me, a kind look in his eyes. "You do now, Eelean. You do now."


Peso's POV: A strangled scream came from my throat as Kate fell, grabbing at the dart in her arm. She had saved me! She had pushed me out the way and took it herself! But Kate...

I wanted to collapse on the ground and sob uncontrollably, but my sensible medic side took over thankfully and I realised that I didn't know what was in the darts. It could be simple anaesthetic. But the darts were still flying around me, I would be no use to Kate if I got hit too. I picked her up as best I could and stumbled along, feeling the grip of my thanatophobia pulling at me. What a horrible place this would be to die...

I found a large boulder and dragged Kate behind it as darts continued to fly next to me. Luckily I was now out of range for a little while.

I checked Kate's pulse and was relieved to feel a slow beat. She's alive! I sighed in relief, checking it again for a longer time just to prove it to myself. Her pulse was steady, steady, beat, beat, bea...

Her pulse stopped.

It stopped.



Kwazii's POV: I had thought Tweak was going to punch me, but she laughed instead. "I guess you do!" She said mid laugh. I smiled. I liked knowing that I could make her feel better when she was upset.

Tweak nodded. "I better get to work..." She sighed, almost seeming disappointed.

I sighed as well. I liked talking to the green bunny, but she was right. She had to fix the radios. "If you need any help, I'm right here." I stated.

Tweak looked at me for a three second count. Then we burst out laughing. We both knew VERY well that I was better at breaking things then fixing them. After we had calmed down, Tweak got to work. She didn't seem as pressured now, which I was glad of.

Suddenly, a bird flew into the tunnel. It opened its beak, but it spoke in Shellington's voice. "I'm at the top of the mountain. What plant do I need?" The bird then tilted its head as if asking me a question. I realized that Shellington must have been trying to contact Peso.

"You want to find a penguin and give the message to him, matey." I told the bird.

The bird flapped its wings as if it was saying thank you. "No problem, me hearty." I replied to the birds unspoken words. The bird then continued down the tunnels and I knew that this had to be the weirdest, yet the best, day of my life. I had got with Tweak. She liked me. That was all that mattered now.

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