51) Risks and Realisations

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Peso's POV: I was reluctant to let Kate move, because she was clearly in pain, but she was unstoppable in this mood. In any mood, really. So as she tried to keep up with Dashi, I followed on, giving a quick squeeze to Shellington's shoulder as I passed him. I caught up easily with her, trying to support some of her weight as we limped along.

"Are you sure about thi -" I begin.

Kate gave me a half exasperated look. "I'm fine, Pes. As soon as we're out of this hellhole, I promise I'll be a good girl and lie down in your nice medic room."

"You, lie down quietly? I think not," I joked. "You'd be asking me questions and following me around, scaring my patients and knocking over things. I've lived with Kwazii doing that for seven years."

Kate looked hurt, but she was grinning. "Are we really that alike?"

I considered. "Well, you're both hopeless when it comes to listening to plans, you rush into danger when you shouldn't and its practically impossible to change your mind when you've got an idea in your head. I think you're pretty alike," I summarize.

Kate smiles, but there's sadness there in her look. "I hope he's okay. Kwazii loves her, you know. Tweak."

"I know. Like I love you," I tell her sincerely. We share a moment of silence.

I can't stop a hiss of pain when I jolted my leg on a rock. Kate gave me a concerned look.

"Your leg all right?" Kate grunted, limping along fast.

"Yeah. Hair ribbons are clearly perfect bandages," I smiled.

"Maybe I should take over as medic," Kate joked.

I feigned a shocked look. "But that means I'd have to be the beautiful talented artist!"

Kate realised I was complimenting her and grinned. "Peso, you flirt."

"Shut up," Dashi yelled at us. I was shocked mainly into silence. Dashi never spoke like that. What had this Memory Flame done to her?


Tweak's POV: Cera grinned at me cruelly as she approached me once more. My spine hurting like heck, I glared at her, clenching my jaw tight to keep from screaming. No one could come for me. It was a trap. I knew that much. I knew that I had to keep fighting, no matter what. My friends safety. That was my priority.

Cera sent another blow to my wound, and pain exploded in me like an atom bomb. Clearly, I needed medical treatment. I heard a sound, like someone muttering in... wait, was that...Vegimalese? I took a quick glance towards the doorway, not wanting to risk Cera finding out that I had heard something. At the very bottom of the tall window were the wide eyes of a raccoon. Christian? What was he doing here? I wasn't sure, but it looked like he was horrified by what he saw.

Cera didn't seem to notice him, thankfully. Speaking of Cera, she had just sent another blow to my jaw. I tasted my own blood as I bit back a scream, literally. Still, I would not give into the pain. I had to hold out for my friends. For Kwazii. I was stronger spirited than Cera. I would not give in. Not today.


Barnacles' POV: We peeked around the corner, my hand still resting on Selene's waist, caressing the matted blood on her normally soft skin. Kwazii was being held against the wall by Damien, a bloody knife to his throat. Selene flashed me a look. 'Should we go out?' she mouthed. I gave a quick shake of my head.

'Kwazii said only at his signal,' I hissed quietly, giving her a reassuring smile.

I just hoped that I was right.

"You killed my parents. My twin sister is badly injured and I haven't seen her since I left her alone with you," Kwazii said venomously. "But you're not hurting Tweak one more bit!"

And he pushed Damien hard with his hand that I hadn't noticed moving up onto his shoulder, dislodging the knife from his throat and ducking away towards the door. Damien snarled and moved very quickly, cutting Kwazii off from the door in one movement. Kwazii looked ready to push him away, attack anyone. I knew Kwazii in this mood. He would take risks.

And we couldn't let Kwazii risk his life.


Shellington's POV: My mind was racing with thoughts. Dashi had sounded exactly the same as the Dashi that I had fallen in love with when she spoke to Kate. Maybe it was because of Kate not being affected?

Taking up the rear of our small group, I felt a twinge of jealousy as I saw Peso and Kate kidding around slightly. Oh, how I wished I could be doing that with Dashi! The papers that Tunip had received felt like blocks of ice in my back pocket. Once we got back to the Octopod, I could study them, and hopefully find a way to help Dashi. I knew the others would help. Dashi was a great friend. But to me, she was so much more. She was a part of me, one that I just couldn't imagine myself without.

Suddenly, I felt a strange feeling, like we were being watched. Followed, even. I whirled around and came face to face with Lupo Wolf. I let out a startled shout before I could stop myself. Kate and Peso whirled around, and for an awkward second, they both tried to get in front of the other, to hide each other from his view, resulting in a slight collision. After that, they just stood next to each other, waiting, no doubt debating whether or not to run or intervene.

Lupo smirked. "Well, Shellington? Do you like your new girlfriend? I must say, I rather enjoyed altering her memories. A perfect test for my Memory Flame, don't you think?"

I did something then that I couldn't imagine myself ever doing before. I growled. It felt good, in a strange way, like all of my built up anger, frustration, and pain throughout the years was leaving my body through a series of ripples in my throat.

"Lupo?! Is this true?!" a familiar voice said, and everyone turned toward the source. Dashi was standing a few feet away from us, her arms crossed and eyes hard. "They were right. They were right not to trust you." she said, her voice veined with steel.

Lupo was, for once, at a loss for words.

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