An Outing

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"Y/N." You looked up from your book and saw All Might standing in the doorway. "I'm going out on patrol." You nodded and closed your book. Putting on your cloak, you followed All Might into the city.

"All Might, is this your sidekick now?"

"Miss Y/N, how old are you?"

"Are you planning on joining UA when you're of age? Or will this be your permanent job?"

You pulled your hood over your face as the surrounding media attempted at taking a picture of your face. "All Might, must I come every time?" All Might nodded. "Of course! You've trained every year, so you should go out every year as well!"

You looked up and saw Endeavour at the end of the street. In all honesty, you didn't really want to approach him. His energy was unsettling, like some burning flame about to catch fire to everything around it. No pun intended.

"All Might." Endeavour greeted, rather impolitely. You looked at the ground and let your eyes follow an ant crossing the sidewalk. "Y/N, why don't you greet old Endeavour?" Looking at Endeavour with blank eyes, you bowed without a word.

"Not very respectful, is she?" Endeavour sneered. You looked down at the ground again as All Might continued speaking with Endeavour. "Come on, you know how she is! She's the best in the school without even attending, anyways."

Endeavour nodded. "I will admit, she is a phenomenal fighter. You don't bring her out on patrol with you for no reason." For some reason, you didn't like it when he said that. The teachers at UA say it all the time, but coming from his mouth, it felt awful filtering through your ears. Not that it really showed on your face.

Suddenly, in the midst of Endeavour and All Might's conversation, you lifted your hand and pointed to the other side of the road. "May I go to that store?" All Might looked at the small restaurant. "Of course. Do you have money?"

You nodded. "My son is in there. You can sit with him." Endeavour said. You pursed your lips, but nodded and crossed the street. As you went inside, you felt an energy somewhat similar to Endeavour's and followed it.

Peeking into a booth, you saw a boy. He looked related to Endeavour, but also didn't. He looked a bit like Endeavour was on one half of him while his other side was whomever his mom is. You turned stepped away out of view.

You could've just gotten your own booth. But no, you just had to accept Endeavour's offer. "Hello?" And he noticed you. As you peeked into the booth again, you immediately met the boy's bi-coloured eyes. They were beautiful...

"Hi. Are you Endeavour's son?" He looked down at his soba and nodded. "What do you want?" You looked down at the floor. "I was told to come here while All Might and Endeavour speak." He looked up at you.

"I wasn't aware All Might had a daughter." You shook your head. "I don't have parents." His lips slightly parted, but he looked back at his food. "Alright." You sat down across from his and looked at his food. Cold soba.

Looking down in your lap, the waitress came over and noticed you. "Ah, you have another person? Would you like something, miss?" You shook your head. She nodded and walked away.

The boy looked at you. "Why were you with All Might?"

"I go on patrol with him."

"What's your hero name?"

"I don't have one."


This conversation wasn't going anywhere. In all honesty, you could feel his energy. He was literally 2 feet away from you, so it was strong. He was the reserved type, cold even. So why was he talking to you?

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